by Angela K. Durden
Barack Obama set up his run for presidency in his 2007 pre-campaign-stump book, The Audacity of Hope. In short, he made the case that only by returning to the principles that gave birth to the Constitution can the US do two things.
One: repair a broken political process, and two: restore to working order a government that has fallen dangerously out of touch with millions of ordinary citizens.
Obama got elected because people believed him when he pointed out the two things they had on their minds. Finally! Somebody who understood. What was not to love in the summary of his book? Besides, Mr. B. was pretty and urbane and smooth and cool and the camera loved him, so here comes the New Camelot.
Only, it didn't quite turn out that way. In this column, I will not beat that dead horse because my readers know that story.
But the thing is, Obama was correct: There is something nasty in the woodshed and — as these last few months of scandals rocking the FBI, Justice Department, and other actors in the hidden Deep State have shown us — the political process is nastier and more broken and out of touch than we even knew.
Further, Obama assured his readers, those Americans were "waiting on Republicans and Democrats to catch up with them."
Boy, oh boy! Were they ever waiting.
Only, Obama thought when his second term ended he would be saying "Tag! You're it!" to Hillary "Ol' Hill" Clinton. Why, she was a shoe-in. The P-HWPCDLRSFC, MSM, and FLOTSAM* knew it.
President Donald "The Hammer" Trump's State of the Union address clearly showed what leadership looks like from those who are willing to take bold risks, truly dare, show courage, pluck, and grit during times of danger. It celebrated ordinary citizens' bravery under fire both at home and abroad, willingness to carry on in times of deep grief, and the heart to step up and do even if against the odds.
But the address didn't just speak to American citizens. It spoke to citizens of other countries who live in fear by letting them see that Uncle Sam was no longer rolling over begging to have his tummy tickled by dictators and despots, neither politically, spiritually, morally, or in business.
Yes, real audacity of hope sure looks different from what Socialists, Fascists, and Commies call it.
Not all, but most politicians on one side of the floor glowered — one fellow with a colorful sash across his chest stomped out in protest (I assume protest, but he might have had a full bladder, for all I know). They stood, more reluctantly than not, but only where not to stand would have been a huge faux pas. For those who claim to care for you more than anybody else in the world ever would, their sour pusses sure spoke volumes.
It should go without saying that no political process and no politician is perfect. Only God's Heavenly Kingdom will provide that. But until that Kingdom does come, God knows there must be controls in place and so we have governments and politicians and citizens coming together in an often messy process that includes an imperfect Good and a highly focused Evil.
Hard decisions must be made and bold actions must be taken because Evil will win every time Good does nothing. In the January 30, 2018 State of the Union address, we saw what Good in action looks like and can accomplish.
The real audacity of hope elevates and celebrates the good, the true grit, the bold pluck, and the daring-do of good people everywhere.
* Pussy-Hat Wearing Politically Correct Democrat Liberal RINO Socialist Fascist Commies, Mainstream Media, talking-head pundits, flacks, Pussy-Hat Wearers, and all who spouted For Liberal Opinion That is Serious and Actually Matters