Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Question for the Ages: Just who is Angela?

by Angela K. Durden
Citizen JournalistBusiness writer, novelist, songwriter, and Technology inventor protecting creator's copyrights. 

Who is Angela?

At this asking you might be saying, "Uuuuhh...I don't really care who Angela is." To that Angela, that is I, says, "It makes no never mind to me whether you care or you don't."

See? Now you know something about who Angela is. Angela is tolerant. Angela is patient. Angela is not tied up in her ego even though she mentions herself often using first person pronouns of I and me and my and mine and the Royal Reference of We, or the second person pronoun of you and yours, or the third person pronouns of she and her and hers.

[Charles Krauthammer, hater of commas that he is, should love the above paragraph.]

However, let me tell you why it is in your best interest to care about who Angela is:

Because Angela — who is loaded with faults the likes of which she has not been able to yet name, that is, all ego aside, she admits it is quite possible she is perfect — is not a P-HWPCDLRSFC*.

What does that mean? It means that Angela really does believe in allowing grown-ups to choose how they want to live their life and wishes the laws of the land would reflect the same. For instance:

Do you want to smoke? Then smoke.
Do you want to boink? Then boink.
Do you want to drink? Then drink.

Laws that tell you that you cannot are stupid, and a waste of time and taxpayers' money.

However, if you want to blow smoke in her face, boink her against her will, or get sloppy drunk in her presence, be prepared to suffer the consequences.

P-HWPCDLRSFC, on the other hand, know what is best for Angela. This is evidenced by the fact that, outside of a hospital environment, when Angela has studiously chosen to say "No thank you" to those silly germ-killing antibacterial hand sanitizers when offered, the P-HWPCDLRSFC jump back in horror and say things that are equivalent to a preacher intoning "Get saved now or risk burning in hell forever."

Only it comes out like this: "Don't you care about spreading germs to other people? What kind of a person are you? Please, do not come near me again, Science heretic you!"

See? P-HWPCDLRSFC have religion. Their bumper stickers prove it:

*Pussy-Hat Wearing Politically Correct Democrat Liberal RINO Socialist Fascist Commie.

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