Friday, July 21, 2017

Tech Giant Manipulations: Google getting ready to gnaw on their own leg.

by Angela K. Durden 

Listen up all you investor types. In a knee-jerk reaction to market forces, Google Alphabet is looking for new income streams by flexing their gorilla muscles all over the monkeys in the forest.

That's right. Google Alphabet is pushing hard to get absolutely everybody to purchase an SSL certificate for their website whether or not it has e-commerce. 

I have a business site that does e-commerce but mostly stores licensing/clearance data about their original songs in an online catalog. I'm happy to have an SSL certificate for the member portal dashboard of I know how much that certificate costs and I know what it can and cannot do. 

But for my other four sites (music placement, author, performance, and editing/design), I don't need an SSL certificate. These are informational sites only. Here is who I am. Here is what I've got. If you are interested, you can call or email. Boom shakalaka done. 

Or one may click a link to pay for a product or service via PayPal who has SSL certificates out the ying-yang. Bam. Easy-peezie. Everybody protected. No harm, no foul.

Except not according to Google Alphabet. Oh, no. They are holding website owners hostage by saying if you don't get SSL certificate for each one, we're going to flash a big ol' red warning sign that says this site might HURT YOU and are you SURE you want to GO TO IT.

All this tells me is that Google's income is down...way down.

Why else threaten your customers and partners. That's right. Customers and partners.

As a website owner, I want to attract eyeballs to my site. How do I do that? Many ways, but if I want to increase eyeballs, I purchase AdWords. Except, for some reason, Google has been making that absolutely impossible to least for me. Don't get me started on that subject.

One customer: Ticked off. In the meantime, clickbait sites operate with absolute impunity. 

Now they are ticking me off again by threatening to make me look bad online by saying I'm a creep?

That is not nice. 

Just like the music business is in such a bad state these days and so hungry they're gnawing on their own legs, Google Alphabet is headed that way.

You read it here first, folks. 

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