Monday, January 15, 2018

It ain't easy being a columnist

by Angela K. Durden
Citizen JournalistBusiness writer, novelist, songwriter, and Technology inventor protecting creator's copyrights. 

It's a hard knock life for ME.
It's a hard knock life for ME.

'Stead of feted,
I get snubbed.
'Stead of money,
I get clubbed.
It's the hard-knock life.

Don't you know I spend my time a-writing?
Researching and reading through the night!
Hours a day I spend, oh, nails a-biting,
Contemplating the coming fight.
Who cares when I wake with thoughts of new columns?
Who cares when I stare out the window to think?

Dictionary life.
Thesaurus strife.
Drama rife.
No night life!

Publications, they be dying.
Circulation, what is that?
Who? What?

Open the door again to the fridge.
Wondering if I'll be abridged.
It's a hard-knock life.

Ideas I have aplenty
writing about the cognoscente
It's a hard-knock life for ME.
It's a hard-knock life for ME.

'Stead of feted,
I get snubbed.
'Stead of money,
I get clubbed.
It's the hard-knock life for ME.
It's the hard-knock life for ME.

Open the door again to the fridge.
Wondering if I'll be abridged.
It's a hard-knock life.
It's a hard-knock life.
It's a hard-knock life.
It's a hard-knock life.
It's a hard-knock life FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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