Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Emojis and Emoticons: The New Language of Love

At it again...all for you.

by Angela K. Durden
The Most Brilliant Woman in the World

Excerpt from upcoming book "Conversations in Hyperreality and Other Thoughts Umberto Eco and Dave Barry Never Had".

Click this LINK to download free PDF for your personal enjoyment.


Monday, November 26, 2018

Social engineering by force of law: The Bullies' Way.

At it again...all for you.

by Angela K. Durden
The Most Brilliant Woman in the World
Social engineering by force of law is merely a mask for a greater evil. The greater evil of eliminating freedom. Freedom to worship, freedom to live by a higher moral standard, freedom to protect family, self, and property, freedom to own, freedom to pass along to children and grandchildren principles of conduct that safeguard and strengthen the very fabric of our communities and families.

That greater evil demands our attention. Call them out for what they are: Bullies. Bullies who demand agreement or they will make life a living hell, stop you from doing business, shut down your places of worship, decree who will and who will not be your teachers, and more.

Bar none, bullies are everywhere, on every side of every issue. Bullies are weak of moral spine and are only interested in themselves. Bullies never sacrifice themselves for the greater good and are narrow of mind. Bullies blame and whine as they focus on the negative. Bullies do not have positive goals.

Bullies celebrate all that is weak. Bullies cannot bear to hear an opinion when it does not agree with them. Because they have no solid foundation for their position, they hurl vile insults loud and long, using the amplification of social media, businesses, and a willing press — of whom many are bullies themselves. Bullies find and use the easily duped and weak of mind.

Strength of character is anathema to bullies who cannot help but shudder in disgust when they find themselves around those of strong character. Bullies never have a problem with smiling as they insult, but they always make sure they do so while surrounded by their acolytes. Yes, bullies are afraid to stand alone for what they believe.

They do not hold truth as sacred. They worship the lie and sow disinformation. They produce discord and shove wedges between people for no other reason than to manipulate for self-interest.

Whether by political or religious means or through threats to job security, bullies always exploit those who are willing to go along and say nothing.


Monday, November 19, 2018


by Angela K. Durden
The Most Brilliant Woman in the World
Business writer.  Songwriter.  Protecting creator's copyrights. 


Nut graph:
Mr. Lou-Lou Frakkakhan is working hand in hand with pussy-hat wearers who oppose the famous and witty play The Vagina Monologues.

Main body of arrrrtickle:
While Lou-Lou (as he would prefer to be known) chants "DEATH TO AMERICA AND JEWS!", Socialist haters chant "CHANGE THE SCRIPT OR SHUT IT DOWN!"

Frakkakhan and an anonymous androgynous ambisexual gender fluid studies leader issued a joint press release at a live event on some stairs in front of a government building somewhere wherein they confirmed their joint goal of annihilation of common enemies by any means.

"We stand before you today," Frakkakhan boomed into fawning FLOTSAM microphones. "And because we stand here YOU. MUST. TAKE. US. SERIOUSLY. Hold your questions while my fellow opposition leader speaks."

The anonymous androgynous ambisexual gender fluid studies leader then moved to the bank of microphones and waited for the cameras to stop making that racket so she could be heard clearly. "Good afternoon, evening, morning, or whatever time of day you decide it is. We are inclusive of all time-counting methods and opinions except for Drumpf's because he is wrong all the time. Please! Please! Hold your questions AND YOUR APPLAUSE. Not really. Just hold your questions."

Frakkakhan was forced to jump in, "Death to FLOTSAM if you don't shut up and let my esteemed colleague speak!" FLOTSAM shut the hell up because as good little socialists, they know a real threat when they see it. Frakkakhan continued. "That's better. As you were saying, Dear 'anonymous androgynous ambisexual gender fluid studies' Leader?"

"Thank you, Lou-Lou. We need to talk about your shoes later. Niiiice. I assume they are not real leather? Oh, they are OLD leather. Then that is okay. But let me finish with my statement: We stand before you today. In all our fluid genders. EXCEPT. For actual females because they are trying to steal the thunder of Lou-Lou and our transgender friends who do not have a real vagina and who hate America and Jews. But basically what I want to say is — Lou-Lou is so brilliant in his oratory — 'What he said'."

The fawning press corps were left holding mics, shoulder-mounted cameras, and unasked questions as the anonymous androgynous ambisexual gender fluid studies leader and Lou-Lou, surrounded by armed guards that looked 100% male (Lawzuh MURZEE!), left in an armor-plated limo owned by The Little People LLC, a non-profit organization that serves to keep all children safe except for the ones who stubbornly insist they are 100% of a single gender/sex, also known as what God called male and female.

** FLOTSAM means For Liberal Opinion That is Serious and Actually Matters

VISIT HER DAMN Consolidated Author Page

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Loving greenery more than loving people.

by Angela K. Durden
The Most Brilliant Woman in the World
Which is worse: To love trees and bushes so much that people die? Or to manage the trees and bushes and save human lives, homes, businesses, schools, etc.? This poem written in 1895 sums up the California fire situation wherein Governor Moonbeam is praised for saving leaves and letting people die while Donald Trump is being called bad names — yet again — for pointing out a sensible solution that is used by many others to great benefit.

The Fence or the Ambulance
'Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed,
Though to walk near its crest was so pleasant.
But over its terrible edge there had slipped
A duke and full many a peasant.
So the people said something would have to be done,
But their projects did not at all tally,
Some said, ' Put a fence 'round the edge of the cliff';
Some, 'An ambulance down in the valley.'

But the cry for the ambulance carried the day,
For it spread through the neighboring city;
A fence may be useful or not, it is true,
But each heart was brim full of pity
For those who slipped over that dangerous cliff;
And the dwellers in highway and valley
Gave pound or gave pence, not to put up a fence,
But an ambulance down in the valley.

For the cliff is all right if you're careful,' they said,
'And if folks even slip or are dropping,
It isn't the slipping that hurts them so much
As the shock down below when they're stopping.'
Then an old sage remarked, 'It's a marvel to me
That people give far more attention
To repairing results than to stopping the cause,
When they'd much better aim at prevention.

'Let us stop at its source all this mischief,' cried he,
' Come, neighbors and friends, let us rally,
If the cliff we will fence we might almost dispense
With the ambulance down in the valley.'

'Oh, he's a fanatic,' the others rejoined.

'Dispense with the ambulance? Never!
He'd dispense with all charities, too, if he could;
But no! We'll protect them forever;
Aren't we picking folks up just as fast as they fall?
And shall this man dictate to us? Shall he?
Why should people of sense stop to put up a fence
While their ambulance works in the valley?'

But a sensible few who were practical, too,
Will not bear with such nonsense much longer,
They believe that prevention is better than cure
And their party will soon be the stronger.
Encourage them, then, with your purse, voice and pen,
And (while other philanthropists dally)
They will scorn all pretense and put up a stout fence
On the cliff that hangs over the valley.

VISIT Consolidated Author Page  AND BUY A BOOK!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Public Service Announcement: National Unfriend Day

This is a public service announcement from your Citizen Journalist, Angela K. Durden, also known as The Most Brilliant Woman In The World:

Unfriending in this manner is NOT the best way 
to end 99.99999999995% of relationships.*

Written and composed and sung 
by your Citizen Journalist, 
and songwriter, 
Angela K. Durden.
Alan Dynin on piano.
Ted Pettus on harpoon.
Share with your peeps.

*Please be advised your Citizen Journalist, Angela K. Durden, also known as The Most Brilliant Woman In The World, is not here advocating for any particular murder, nor does this statement endorse the efficacy of any particular method of murder. In other words, easy death or hard, she makes no opinion. She is, however, simply stating a fact and which is that sometimes somebody's gonna die for good cause. Novelists, those who write fiction, rely upon this fact when coming up with their plot points. If you would like to read an extremely good example of this writing method, please click here and buy this book.

Monday, November 12, 2018

A Poem for the Current Socio-Political Climate.

At it again...all for you.

by Angela K. Durden
The Most Brilliant Woman in the World
Business writer.  Songwriter.  Protecting creator's copyrights. 

Two wittle wadies hurlin' insults in a twee.
Why oh why do dey
compwain abou' me?

Dey compwain and compwain. Dey don'
know what else to say.
Dey beweeve deys feewings 'portant, so dey
whine dey days away.

But I's not so woowied 'bout
dey words and such.
I's jezz hope dat branch holds 'cuz
I's don' hab a cwutch.


Sunday, November 11, 2018

In honor of National Singles Day

This is a public service announcement from your Citizen Journalist, Angela K. Durden, also known as The Most Brilliant Woman In The World:
Good day to you, Singles. 
One assumes that if you are single by choice, you will not want to listen to the song below. 

However, if you are single by force of circumstance (whatever those are), then this song might be for you and you will totally relate. 

Written and composed and sung 
by your Citizen Journalist, 
and songwriter, 
Angela K. Durden.

Ending a relationship in the manner as heard in the song below 
is NOT the best way to end 99.99999999995% of relationships.*

Written and composed and sung 
by your Citizen Journalist, 
and songwriter, 
Angela K. Durden.
Alan Dynin on piano.
Ted Pettus on harpoon.
Share with your peeps.

*Please be advised your Citizen Journalist, Angela K. Durden, also known as The Most Brilliant Woman In The World, is not here advocating for any particular murder, nor does this statement endorse the efficacy of any particular method of murder. In other words, easy death or hard, she makes no opinion. She is, however, simply stating a fact and which is that sometimes somebody's gonna die for good cause. Novelists, those who write fiction, rely upon this fact when coming up with their plot points. If you would like to read an extremely good example of this writing method, please click here and buy this book.