Thursday, January 11, 2018

Dawgs and Tide: Methinks "The Hammer" might have other things on his mind.

by Angela K. Durden

Lot's of people think I'm in luv with "The Hammer"; I am not. In fact, while I write on things political, I only do so because of their effect on my basic freedoms. Freedoms such as being able to make money without silly interference from P-HWPCDLRSFC* and Deep State bureaucrats beholden to professional politicians who are being bought off by Tech Giants, Big Business, The Majors, and The Bigs, thank you very much.

Therefore, anybody who works to screw me over ups my ire, gets my wrath, and becomes fair game for this Citizen Journalist. Conversely, anyone working to protect my freedoms from those mentioned above will also get my attention, but it won't be fawning because logical folks like that don't like to be fawned over.

Which brings us to the latest opine in a liberal online rag...errr...I mean, an outlet For Liberal Opinion That is Serious and Actually Matters, or FLOTSAM, linked here, all about the national anthem during the Dawgs-Tide game.

Screenshot of @realDonaldTrump Twitter header.

Doing my job as your Citizen Journalist, I read the entire article. It is safe to say it had to be written by somebody who has no clue about the weight of responsibility on a president's shoulders.

I don't care which president you name, love 'em or hate 'em, each looked a lot worse upon leaving office than they did upon entering. It's those weights that never leave them that give gray hair, heavy bags under eyes, excessive wrinkles, added weight, and unhealthy pallor. 

Presidents don't punch a clock. They can't hang their worries outside on a shrub and go inside to relax with the wife and kiddies. Even while playing golf or giving their wife some fine loving, there are always several standing next to him or outside the door with a weapon and a phone.

But according to FLOTSAM, Donald "The Hammer" Trump should not let any of that bother him during a college football game. It's plain to see to anybody who has made a living out of it, that Trump's body language showed he was nervous because he was "in a stressful situation." 

To that I say, "Well, duh." But which stressful situation? According to FLOTSAM and #CrunkNewsNetwork, it was that Trump was surrounded by people he was lying to and who hated his guts and he's just a big ol' bully who didn't like to face down 70,000 enemies at once because...because...because he-he-he-he's just a BIG OLD BULLY. 

To that I say, "Whut arrr yew smokin'?"

But Trump didn't handle the stress the way one expert, Patti Wood, thought he should. According to Patti, "The Hammer" had only two choices in how he could stand or move during the national anthem — and he didn't do either one of them. Lip readers couldn't tell what he was actually singing, and, in case he was singing the national anthem, it was obvious he didn't know the words.

This was such a huge deal that the article said "...the world is debating whether the president knows or doesn't know the lyrics to the national anthem...."

The entire world is debating? 

No. The entire world is not debating. Your little world is debating. On the other hand, maybe you need to get a damn life? 
Sincerely, The Rest of the World

Further, while Patti said Trump was under so much stress he couldn't remember the words to the national anthem, and was uncomfortable enough he had "inconsistencies in his behavior through the anthem", Trump still had enough presence of mind to "revive controversy."

Yes, the article had a long list of all the things they could name that he revived only hours and months before this most important public appearance at a college football game. 

But worst of all was that Trump was tapping his fingers and he wasn't tapping in time to the music. He was going faster and that "typically signals a desire to get through it — to get to the other side of the anxious situation," said Patti Wood, Body Language Expert to the FLOTSAMs of the world. 

Maybe we should follow FLOTSAM and #CrunkNewsNetwork's pseudo-journalists around and document their every move and have body language experts opine on what they are really thinking. Yeah. That sounds like fun.

Hey, Hannity? Is that in your budget? If yes, gitterdun.
Citizen Journalist.  Novelist. Author of other stuff. 
Business writer.  Songwriter.  Protecting creator's copyrights. 

P-HWPCDLRSFC is Pussy-Hat Wearing Politically Correct Democrat Liberal RINO Socialist Fascist Commies

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