Monday, December 18, 2017

Your links for today

by Angela K. Durden
Technology inventor protecting creator's copyrights. Business writer, novelist, songwriter, and Citizen Journalist.

Only with constant diligence and unwavering attention to facts can freedom be allowed to remain. When top officials in US, UK, and other countries push policies of acquiescence and support by given succor and aid to those who seek to destroy freedom, then we can rightly call these people traitors.

MUST READ: See Something Say Nothing — A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad. Philip Haney

DHS: Implementing 9/11 Commission Recommendations.

YouTube video from the Arab Spring: Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader gets crowd to vow to march as jihad martyrs to destroy Israel.

We shall end with some good remarks about getting rid of burdensome regulations. Quote from remarks by "The Hammer:

And instead of eliminating two old regulations, for every one new regulation we have eliminated 22 — 22 — that’s a big difference. We aimed for two for one, and, in 2017, we hit twenty-two for one.

And some good quotes in support of the Constitution and freedom, human rights, and the Bill of rights.

Our great country was forged in the fires of a revolution to overthrow the rule of a tyrant, by a free people who understood the fundamental truth that liberty is best secured when the state’s power is carefully limited. From the Declaration of Independence, to the Constitution, and through the Bill of Rights, our country and our people have always known the true, God-given nature of liberty and the ability of law to safeguard it against the state. For 226 years, the final piece of this freedom-sustaining bulwark ‑‑ the Bill of Rights ‑‑ has formed the bedrock of the constitutional protections every American holds dear as their birthright.
On Bill of Rights Day, we recognize the importance of the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution to protecting our liberty and freedom against the inevitable encroachment of government. Our Founding Fathers understood the threat of expansive, omnipresent government.

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