Monday, October 31, 2016
Mommas Don't Your Sons Dress like Hillary - Happy #Halloween
Say what you will, but this could be seen as borderline child abuse.
Our 8 year-old son is with you @hillaryclinton today and everyday. #halloween2016 #notawig #imwithher #heswithher #wholefamswithher @HFA— DGR (@DebbersGar) October 30, 2016
Horror movie hosts were famous for comedy, not scarying anybody
Back in the days of drive-in movies, low-budget horror movies were
a staple of the double features on Fridays and Saturdays. Naturally they found
their way to TV screens. In 1957 and 1958, a studio licensed the “Shock” and
“Son of Shock” packages, encouraging local stations to use hosts to stitch the
shlock together.
Station managers and film buyers saw merit in scaring 7-year-olds
and selling products to beer-guzzling teenagers. When it came to a host, they
didn’t bother to look much beyond their own building. Who knew that every
station had a booth announcer, weatherman or production director who was a
closet comic, ready to don a creepy costume?
So a genre was born – the campy horror movie host, still
remembered fondly by people of a certain age.
Detroit had Sir Graves Ghastly, a/k/a Lawson Deming. Washington
had Count Gore De Vol (Dick Dyszel). In San Francisco, Bob Wilkins broke out
his extensive knowledge of monsters and movies and occasionally advised kids
not to stay up too late because “this movie isn’t worth it.” (In fact, few
Most of the hosts became so locally famous that they were called
on to make personal appearances, in costume. In Richmond during the early ‘70s,
Bowman Body (Bill Bowman) tooled around town in a hearse sponsored by
Arby’s. Bill’s old station, where he once was production manager, ran a tribute
to him at Halloween last year.
Most of the shows, like Bill’s, have long been canceled. But some
are still around, including Svengoolie in Chicago (originally played by Jerry
G. Bishop, now by Rich Koz.)
Judging from the lists of hosts compiled at various websites,
almost all were male, reflecting the ways of TV at the time. But the most famous
one wasn’t. That would be Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.
In 1981, Cassandra Peterson beat out 200 candidates when KHJ-TV in
Los Angeles was casting a horror movie hostess. With great looks, a shiny black
wig, cleavage and a charmingly sarcastic approach, she rode the gig to
international fame. (Sample quote, courtesy of IMDb: “And if they ever ask
about me, tell them I was more than just a great set of boobs. I was also an
incredible pair of legs.”)
Cassandra has a new book out, which includes more than 350
pictures of her. It and other merchandise are available at her website,, as previewed by LA
Squatty Potty #Science #Unicorns
by Kim D.
If you see this post on Facebook or someone, like my neighbor, texts it to you, unfortunately, it's no joke. The Squatty Potty is real.
If you see this post on Facebook or someone, like my neighbor, texts it to you, unfortunately, it's no joke. The Squatty Potty is real.
TX Students Given 29-Point Guide to Prevent Offensive Costumes
by Kim D.
The University of Texas in Austin (go figure) has issued a checklist to students so they do not commit the unforgivable crime of offending with their Halloween costumes this year. Click HERE to see the complete checklist which begins with the following warning:
The University of Texas in Austin (go figure) has issued a checklist to students so they do not commit the unforgivable crime of offending with their Halloween costumes this year. Click HERE to see the complete checklist which begins with the following warning:
Similar warnings and checklists have been passed out to student bodies throughout the country. This is probably just an attempt to avoid all the SJW bitching and moaning about the Halloween experience. If all students play along, the aftermath of tonight's festivities will be minimal. Just follow the checklist, dammit, and all will be fine.You don’t have bad intentions, but your social theme or costume idea could have a negative impact. Themes and costumes may intentionally or unintentionally appropriate another culture or experience.
Will a Weiner Save the Republic?
by Kim D.
This will take some time, folks; no way will this investigation be completed before election day, leaving many undecided voters with the impression that Hillary Clinton's email scandal is not over.
Has anyone heard a good "Weiner" joke this Monday morning?— Todd Smekens (@ToddSmekens) October 31, 2016
Social media is full of jokes about Anthony Weiner who is caught up in yet another texting sex scandel. This time he's looking at serious charges, being accused of sexting with a 15-year-old North Carolina girl. One can assume, if Weiner is convicted, he is looking a real jail time.#hillarysemail When in doubt, I whip it out! #DickiLeaks— Fred Wimpy (@fredwimpy) October 29, 2016
This could be the reason he's apparently cooperating with the FBI and has given investigators permission to read any and all emails on multiple computers confiscated from the home office he shared with wife Huma, the right-hand gal of Hillary Clinton. As is being reported this morning, the FBI additionally also sought and obtained a warrant to review the all emails found on the computers, not just those which would pertain to underage sexual predator violations.Report: FBI Agents to Examine 650,000 Emails on Anthony Weiner’s Computer— DeplorablesforTrump (@DeplorableMaria) October 31, 2016
This will take some time, folks; no way will this investigation be completed before election day, leaving many undecided voters with the impression that Hillary Clinton's email scandal is not over.
According to CNN, the FBI found Huma's treasure trove of work-related emails in mid-October:Irony: Hillary destroyed evidence then pretends to be outraged when the FBI doesn't release evidence she thought she destroyed. #FBIemails— Jessie Jane Duff (@JessieJaneDuff) October 30, 2016
So Anthony Weiner's scumbaggery may just be the saving grace for a Republic facing another four years of progressive and dangerous policies. If so, this is a sad comment on how far in the gutter America truly is, relying on scum to save the Republic from slightly worse scum.
Busting a myth: Orson Welles' broadcast never caused windspread panic
By Mouser the King Cat
Yesterday was the 78th anniversary of Orson Welles’ famous “The War of the Worlds” broadcast on the CBS radio network, I will again try to debunk the urban legend that the program sparked a mass panic. Popular history textbooks are wrong. So is the latest retelling, a PBS documentary from 2013.
We close with a tip of the hat to radio historian Jim Ramsburg, who covers the medium’s Golden Age at his website. Gold Time Radio
Yesterday was the 78th anniversary of Orson Welles’ famous “The War of the Worlds” broadcast on the CBS radio network, I will again try to debunk the urban legend that the program sparked a mass panic. Popular history textbooks are wrong. So is the latest retelling, a PBS documentary from 2013.
broadcast – a play incorporating an account of Martians invading Earth – produced
isolated instances of panic, but the New York newspapers ran with them. Why?
Jefferson Pooley and Michael J. Socolow have the story straight in Slate:
How did
the story of panicked listeners begin? Blame America’s newspapers. Radio had
siphoned off advertising revenue during the Depression, badly damaging the
newspaper industry. So the papers seized the opportunity presented by Welles’
program to discredit radio as a source of news. The newspaper industry
sensationalized the panic to prove to advertisers, and regulators, that radio
management was irresponsible and not to be trusted.
In an
editorial titled Terror by Radio, The New York Times reproached ‘radio
officials’ for approving the interweaving of ‘blood-curdling fiction’
with news
flashes "offered in exactly the manner that real news would have been
given." Warned Editor and Publisher, the newspaper industry’s trade
journal, "The
nation as a whole continues to face the danger of incomplete,
news over a medium which has yet to prove … that it is competent to
perform the
news job."
“The War of
the Worlds” should have been a footnote in radio history, but the legend grew.
Pooley and Socolow explain:
As the
show receded in time and became more infamous, more and more people claimed to
have heard it. As weeks, months and years passed, the audience’s size swelled
to such an extent that you might actually believe most of America was tuned to
CBS that night. But that was hardly the case.
Indeed, the
ratings for Welles’ “Mercury Theater of the Air” series were rotten. There is
evidence that the competition on NBC, ventriloquist Edgar Bergen’s “Chase &
Sanborn Hour,” probably drew 10 or 15 times more listeners. Furthermore, a
number of CBS affiliates pre-empted Welles that Sunday night for local
programs, easy to do because Welles’ plays had no sponsor at the time.
President Frank Stanton remarked years later, “In the first place most people
didn’t hear it. But those who did hear it looked at it as a prank and accepted
it that way.” That is what Welles (then 23 years old) intended on Halloween
Eve. His closing remarks that night summed up his attitude:
This is
Orson Welles, ladies and gentlemen, out of character to assure you that "The
War of The Worlds" has no further significance than as the holiday offering it
was intended to be – the Mercury Theater’s own version of dressing up in a
sheet and jumping out of a bush and saying, "Boo!"
now we couldn’t soap all your windows and steal all your garden gates by
tomorrow night so we did the next best thing – we annihilated the world before
your very ears and utterly destroyed CBS. You will be, I hope, relieved to
learn that we didn’t mean it and both institutions are still open for business.
goodbye, everybody, and remember the terrible lesson that you learned tonight –
the grinning, glowing, globular invader of your living room is an inhabitant of
the pumpkin patch and if your doorbell rings and nobody’s there, that was no
Martian, it’s Halloween.
We close with a tip of the hat to radio historian Jim Ramsburg, who covers the medium’s Golden Age at his website. Gold Time Radio
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Let's Rock: Barracuda - Gretchen Wilson & Alice in Chains (Live)
I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow because it's Halloween.
Seeing as how I am self employed it wont be a big deal until I sober up's complicated.
Seeing as how I am self employed it wont be a big deal until I sober up's complicated.
Hitler was elected through Democracy
Adolf Hitler came to power through Democracy. The German people had many times to elect someone better but chose socialism instead of capitalism and personal responsibility. They chose to blame the Jews for the problems their liberalism and socialism caused.
The video features example of German sub-culture Democracy failure and what our American founders had to say about Nazis and Democracy
The video features example of German sub-culture Democracy failure and what our American founders had to say about Nazis and Democracy
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Clinton Asks People to 'Vote Early' During Press Release on Re-opening of FBI Investigation
Now she's running a vote before the next shoe drops campaign.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Trump Wins
By Ecklebob Chiselfritz
Here at Righting on the Wall we have held the feet of both major candidates to the fire during this election cycle. Speaking for myself I have been extra hard on Hillary Clinton because she is a criminal. No doubt about it. She should be occupying a cell in the bowels of Leavenworth instead of running for the Oval Office.
I don't have a lot to say about Donald Trump as I neither like or respect him. He has been a Democrat his entire adult life until his sudden and ethereal conversion into the Conservative fold. Whatever. I believe his core appeal to voters is they do not view him as a DC insider. This works in his favor exactly as it did for Barack Obama in 2008. Our country was beat up and tired of an interminable war and an economy that was as sick as Anthony Weiner's sexting addiction. Democrats could have run serial killer Henry Lee Lucas and he would have won.
Flash forward to today under Barack Obama and our country is still beat up and tired of an interminable war and an economy that is still as sick as Anthony Weiner's sexting addiction.
Anyhow...the polls will begin to tighten up each day as Nov 8 approaches. Media polls can get away with claiming big leads for Hillary Clinton months before the election, BUT the in the tank sycophantic press thinks ahead to after the election. They do not want it to look like their rigged polls were rigged. The closer we get to election day the more accurate the major polls will become. Most of them anyway.
That being said I am ready to go out on a limb here.
Trump will win in a landslide. He will handily beat the margin of Dem voter fraud. Democrats thought they had everything in place to sew up via voter fraud what should have been a close contest , but they were blindsided by the Podesta emails that seem to be a never ending litany of Hillary Clinton's friends, assocciates and confidants exposing her for what she empty pantsuit steeped in corruption, buoyed only by political cronyism and a slobbering Liberal media.
Here at Righting on the Wall we have held the feet of both major candidates to the fire during this election cycle. Speaking for myself I have been extra hard on Hillary Clinton because she is a criminal. No doubt about it. She should be occupying a cell in the bowels of Leavenworth instead of running for the Oval Office.
I don't have a lot to say about Donald Trump as I neither like or respect him. He has been a Democrat his entire adult life until his sudden and ethereal conversion into the Conservative fold. Whatever. I believe his core appeal to voters is they do not view him as a DC insider. This works in his favor exactly as it did for Barack Obama in 2008. Our country was beat up and tired of an interminable war and an economy that was as sick as Anthony Weiner's sexting addiction. Democrats could have run serial killer Henry Lee Lucas and he would have won.
Flash forward to today under Barack Obama and our country is still beat up and tired of an interminable war and an economy that is still as sick as Anthony Weiner's sexting addiction.
Anyhow...the polls will begin to tighten up each day as Nov 8 approaches. Media polls can get away with claiming big leads for Hillary Clinton months before the election, BUT the in the tank sycophantic press thinks ahead to after the election. They do not want it to look like their rigged polls were rigged. The closer we get to election day the more accurate the major polls will become. Most of them anyway.
That being said I am ready to go out on a limb here.
Trump will win in a landslide. He will handily beat the margin of Dem voter fraud. Democrats thought they had everything in place to sew up via voter fraud what should have been a close contest , but they were blindsided by the Podesta emails that seem to be a never ending litany of Hillary Clinton's friends, assocciates and confidants exposing her for what she empty pantsuit steeped in corruption, buoyed only by political cronyism and a slobbering Liberal media.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Houston Early Voting Complaints
by Kim D.
According to KHOU, Houstonians are enthusiastically voting, willing to wait in long lines to cast a ballot on day one of early voting. However, unlike my prediction of the drive to vote against Hillary Clinton, KHOU political analyst Bob Stein suggests something different which, if true, would bode well for Democrats, especially in local races.
Of more concern is a different and alarming complaint which began surfacing last night of ballot shenanigans in which those voting straight Republican were noticing that the presidential selection was marking Clinton instead of Trump. The grumbling began and others on Facebook chimed in sharing a similar experience.
I did a little research and found out that a similar complaint surfaced during the TX Republican primary race. On Super Tuesday in March, floods of people called in to radio stations to complain that votes for Trump were being switched electronically before the actual ballot was cast.
Again this morning, while listening to the Michael Berry Show (click here where this morning's podcast should be posted soon), several callers reported the same issue. One caller said that his polling station had gone to paper ballots. If these allegations are true, everyone should be aware that if it can happen here, it can happen everywhere people vote in the 2016 election. If Hillary Clinton wins this election, it should be because the people voted more in support of her and not because their vote was erroneously changed electronically.
The takeaway is this - check the ballot carefully, especially when voting straight ticket. Review your selections to be sure the candidates you intend to vote for are actually being selected on your ballot before hitting the "cast vote" button.
According to KHOU, Houstonians are enthusiastically voting, willing to wait in long lines to cast a ballot on day one of early voting. However, unlike my prediction of the drive to vote against Hillary Clinton, KHOU political analyst Bob Stein suggests something different which, if true, would bode well for Democrats, especially in local races.
Early voting numbers from other battleground states show Democrats with an early edge. Stein expects to see that trend continue here in Texas.
"Republicans don't have a really extensive ground game," Stein said. "Some of the candidates do like Mr. Hickman and Michael Sullivan, but I don't see any evidence that there's a real mobilization on the Republican's part."
Trump's unpopularity coupled with a rise in Hispanic voters could bode problematic for down ballot races in Harris County. Republican District Attorney Devon Anderson is down to Kim Ogg in recent polling, she's hoping she can mount a comeback despite the Trump effect at the top of the ticket. "I expect Democrats to have a really good day," Stein said.This logic works if the majority of voters are Hispanic and voting against Donald Trump, his proposed border wall, and former disparaging words directed at Mexicans. However that's not the entire electorate nor is it the majority. With Obamacare costs rising by 25% in Texas, it is hard to fathom people rushing out to vote for more idiotic economy crushing policies which will be exactly what we get with a Clinton presidency. According to KHOU most complaints reported were of long lines and misunderstanding about required voter id.

I did a little research and found out that a similar complaint surfaced during the TX Republican primary race. On Super Tuesday in March, floods of people called in to radio stations to complain that votes for Trump were being switched electronically before the actual ballot was cast.
Again this morning, while listening to the Michael Berry Show (click here where this morning's podcast should be posted soon), several callers reported the same issue. One caller said that his polling station had gone to paper ballots. If these allegations are true, everyone should be aware that if it can happen here, it can happen everywhere people vote in the 2016 election. If Hillary Clinton wins this election, it should be because the people voted more in support of her and not because their vote was erroneously changed electronically.
The takeaway is this - check the ballot carefully, especially when voting straight ticket. Review your selections to be sure the candidates you intend to vote for are actually being selected on your ballot before hitting the "cast vote" button.
Houston Early Voting Gone Wild
by Kim D.
In Harris County (Houston, TX), over 67k people came out yesterday on day one of early election voting. In some polling locations, people stood in line for over an hour to cast their ballot. What does this say about a county in Texas which leans liberal? I am a betting person, though funds are low at present time and my wager would be rather small, and my suspicion is that this enthusiastic early voting bodes well for Republicans.
Maybe I'm projecting how I vote on others in my community, but what drives me to the polls is the desire to vote for something. Perhaps I just don't see the enthusiasm in supporting Hillary Clinton, but I can't see people fired up to go out on day one of early voting thrilled to be casting a ballot for the vagina candidate, one of the most corrupt politicians of our lifetime.
Conversely, I don't see tons of people enthusiastic about voting for Donald Trump. We will always have our standard bearers who go to the polls each election cycle and vote straight Republican or Democrat, but in the conservative areas of Harris County, I don't see many Trump-Pence signs in yards just like I don't see many for Clinton either.
So why the enthusiasm? My suspicion is that some voters are showing up early to vote and willing to stand in long lines for one reason only - to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the next POTUS. Trump should win Texas but the question appears to be by what margin. It will be interesting to see how right or how wrong the pollsters actually were this election cycle.
In Harris County (Houston, TX), over 67k people came out yesterday on day one of early election voting. In some polling locations, people stood in line for over an hour to cast their ballot. What does this say about a county in Texas which leans liberal? I am a betting person, though funds are low at present time and my wager would be rather small, and my suspicion is that this enthusiastic early voting bodes well for Republicans.

Conversely, I don't see tons of people enthusiastic about voting for Donald Trump. We will always have our standard bearers who go to the polls each election cycle and vote straight Republican or Democrat, but in the conservative areas of Harris County, I don't see many Trump-Pence signs in yards just like I don't see many for Clinton either.
So why the enthusiasm? My suspicion is that some voters are showing up early to vote and willing to stand in long lines for one reason only - to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the next POTUS. Trump should win Texas but the question appears to be by what margin. It will be interesting to see how right or how wrong the pollsters actually were this election cycle.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Sheila Jackson Lee Blames Wikipedia for "Russian Intrusion" #VoteSmartly #VoteBartley
by Kim D.
Here in Texas we have a missing village idiot running amok in Washington, D. C. Although she's happy Hillary is surging in the polls, Sheila Jackson Lee denounces Wikipedia instead of Wikileaks for it's "Russian intrusion."
She doesn't have a clue folks. Crossing all fingers and toes, Lori Bartley can pull off a win and send this idiot home.
Here in Texas we have a missing village idiot running amok in Washington, D. C. Although she's happy Hillary is surging in the polls, Sheila Jackson Lee denounces Wikipedia instead of Wikileaks for it's "Russian intrusion."
She doesn't have a clue folks. Crossing all fingers and toes, Lori Bartley can pull off a win and send this idiot home.
Roast those pumpkin seeds!
by Kim D.
I started a tradition of roasting the pumpkin seeds from our carved Halloween creations a few years back. My son, the pickiest of eaters, loves them. Roasting pumpkin seeds is super easy and provides a great snack to send to school.
Here's how I roast them after collecting the seeds from the scooped out pumpkin inners:
I started a tradition of roasting the pumpkin seeds from our carved Halloween creations a few years back. My son, the pickiest of eaters, loves them. Roasting pumpkin seeds is super easy and provides a great snack to send to school.
Here's how I roast them after collecting the seeds from the scooped out pumpkin inners:
- Rinse well removing as much of the pulp as possible then drain on paper towels.
- Preheat the oven t0 300 degrees.
- Microwave and melt 2 TBS of butter per 1 1/2 cups of seeds.
- Put seeds in a bowl; add butter and mix well.
- Put seeds in a single layer on a non-stick cookie sheet.
- Bake for approximately 40 minutes, stirring halfway through.
- Top seeds with a thin layer of cracked sea salt and light brown sugar.
- Bake for an additional 5-10 minutes until seeds have a roasted, light-brown hue.
- Enjoy.
The Establishmen's panic is running high
With the election
15 days out, media elites and the government establishment they serve are
trying to project confidence that corrupt and ailing Hillary Clinton can be
carried across the finish line. Perhaps that will happen, but pundits have been
wrong at every turn, and polling data are all over the place. Thinking men
smell fear in the air, among them Patrick Buchanan and Andrew Napolitano.
First, Mr.
The establishment is horrified at the Donald’s defiance because, deep within its soul, it fears that the people for whom Trump speaks no longer accept its political legitimacy or moral authority. It may rule and run the country, and may rig the system through mass immigration and a mammoth welfare state so that Middle America is never again able to elect one of its own. But that establishment, disconnected from the people it rules, senses, rightly, that it is unloved and even detested. Having fixed the future, the establishment finds half of the country looking upon it with the same sullen contempt that our Founding Fathers came to look upon the overlords Parliament sent to rule them.
Mr. Buchanan has
been a public figure for decades, as an adviser to presidents, TV talking head,
syndicated newspaper columnist and unsuccessful candidate for president. Mr.
Napolitano is generally known only to viewers of Fox News, where he is senior
judicial analyst after serving on the Superior Court of New Jersey. Both are
prolific authors.
When Mr.
Napolitano writes his libertarian opinion columns, he often strings together
dozens of questions. From a recent offering:
Forget about the
media’s faux outrage about incidents in Trump’s past. That’s for the
low-information rubes. What the elites know is that he has tapped into a vein
of discontent. They may be able to make him go away, but they will not like
what comes next.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
A hearty welcome back to the Jolly Green Giant
Since everything
old is new again, guess who is returning to TV? The Jolly Green Giant, soon to
be property of B&G Foods. Sales of canned and frozen vegetables have
slipped as shoppers opt for fresher options, but B&G is confident the Giant
can turn that around. Or presumably there will be hell to pay in the valley.
The JGG has been
around since 1928. Back then he wasn’t green, looked pretty Neanderthal and
wasn’t even called “jolly.” He was redrawn twice during the Depression and then
given a hideous, clashing red scarf in 1960, making him look more like an
oversized aviator. The current version on cans was introduced in 1976.
Through the
decades, the JGG brand has been bought and sold many times, shuttled among
countless advertising agencies; the Giant himself suffered long stretches of
not appearing in commercials. But B&G Foods is buying the product line from
General Mills and soon the JGG will be on your TV again.
The JGG is one of
the best known advertising icons in history, but his TV debut in the late 1950s
was rocky. According to Bob Noel, a copywriter at the Leo Burnett agency,
videographers tried men painted green, puppets and animation. Nothing worked
well because “when you try to move the Giant around and really show what helooks like, he comes off like a monster. The baby cries and the dog goes underthe bed.”
Mr. Noel’s
solution was to show the monster – uh, the JGG – sparingly and have him bellow
“ho, ho, ho.” (In those less litigious times, Santa Claus didn’t sue.)
I’ll close with a
tidbit you probably didn’t know. As a pop icon in 1965, the JGG inspired a
grossly over-modulated Top 40 song by the Kingsmen, who also did the classic
“Louie Louie.” Courtesy of YouTube, here’s “The Jolly Green Giant”:
Football Friday: Ingram, Texas - Tom Moore High School Homecoming Game
By Ecklebob Chiselfritz
Our Warriors are 0-7 on the year, but head coach Jeff Kowalski has guaranteed a win tonight against the 2-5 Cole Cougars.
Tonights game and the remaining three games on the Tom Moore schedule are all against district rivals so mathematically the Warriors are not out of the playoff picture.
Go Warriors!
Our Warriors are 0-7 on the year, but head coach Jeff Kowalski has guaranteed a win tonight against the 2-5 Cole Cougars.
Tonights game and the remaining three games on the Tom Moore schedule are all against district rivals so mathematically the Warriors are not out of the playoff picture.
Go Warriors!
Thursday, October 20, 2016
A hearty welcome back to the Jolly Green Giant
By Mouser the King Cat
Since everything old is new again, guess who is returning to TV? The Jolly Green Giant, soon to be property of B&G Foods. Sales of canned and frozen vegetables have slipped as shoppers opt for fresher options, but B&G is confident the Giant can turn that around. Or presumably there will be hell to pay in the valley.
I’ll close with a tidbit you probably didn’t know. As a pop icon in 1965, the JGG inspired a grossly over-modulated Top 40 song by the Kingsmen, who also did the classic “Louie Louie.” Courtesy of YouTube, here’s “The Jolly Green Giant”
Since everything old is new again, guess who is returning to TV? The Jolly Green Giant, soon to be property of B&G Foods. Sales of canned and frozen vegetables have slipped as shoppers opt for fresher options, but B&G is confident the Giant can turn that around. Or presumably there will be hell to pay in the valley.
The JGG has
been around since 1928. Back then he wasn’t green, looked pretty neanderthal and
wasn’t even called “jolly.” He was redrawn twice during the Depression and then
given a hideous, clashing red scarf in 1960, making him look more like an
oversized aviator. The current version on cans was introduced in 1976.
Through the
decades, the JGG brand has been bought and sold many times, shuttled among
countless advertising agencies; the Giant himself suffered long stretches of
not appearing in commercials. But B&G Foods is buying the product line from
General Mills and soon the JGG will be on your TV again.
The JGG is
one of the best known advertising icons in history, but his TV debut in the
late 1950s was rocky. According to Bob Noel, a copywriter at the Leo Burnett
agency, videographers tried men painted green, puppets and animation. Nothing
worked well because “when you try to move the Giant around and really show what
he looks like, he comes off like a monster. The baby cries and the dog goes
under the bed.”
Mr. Noel’s
solution was to show the monster – uh, the JGG – sparingly and have him bellow “ho,
ho, ho.” (In those less litigious times, Santa Claus didn’t sue.)
I’ll close with a tidbit you probably didn’t know. As a pop icon in 1965, the JGG inspired a grossly over-modulated Top 40 song by the Kingsmen, who also did the classic “Louie Louie.” Courtesy of YouTube, here’s “The Jolly Green Giant”
Oct 20, 1977: Lynyrd Skynyrd Plane Crash
The Story of Lynyrd Skynyrd. The plane crash survivors stories are chilling and tear at the heart.
The ultimate version of Freebird. This is the concert pianist Billy Powell referred to in the Story of Lynyrd Skynyrd when he said they blew the Rolling Stones off the stage that day. I believe him.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
When Democrats Go Full Cousin Eddie
by Kim D.
Well when the sh%$er is full . . .#Lawrenceville Police investigating whether a bus affiliated with the @TheDemocrats illegally dumped human waste. #fox5atl— FOX 5 Atlanta (@FOX5Atlanta) October 18, 2016
The Realities of Committing Voter Fraud
We all know the Democrats cheat by committing voter fraud. We joke about it. This will wipe the smile off of your face.
Part 2 - "Rigging the Election" by Project Veritas:
Part 2 - "Rigging the Election" by Project Veritas:
Bird-Dogging Democrats Reveal Why Republicans Can't Win
by Kim D.
James O'Keefe has dropped another undercover video bomb. Apart of a two-part expose, "Rigging the Election" (Part 1) was released yesterday. Part 2 is scheduled to be released today. Project Veritas operatives uncover the truth about the some of the nastiness we have seen at Trump rallies. Basically, the Clinton campaign and the DNC are paying for protesters to agitate Trump supporters in hopes that violence will erupt which will be captured on the MSM.
Democratic operatives call this tactic "bird-dogging." The idea is to create a sense of anarchy at Trump rallies with the intended goal of undermining support of his candidacy. The most disgusting aspect of "bird-dogging" is the admitted use of the union, the homeless, the mentally ill, the disabled, and the elderly to generate the maximum shock when it is reported by a friendly MSNBC reporter.
So far, one of the admitted operatives has been fired.
James O'Keefe has dropped another undercover video bomb. Apart of a two-part expose, "Rigging the Election" (Part 1) was released yesterday. Part 2 is scheduled to be released today. Project Veritas operatives uncover the truth about the some of the nastiness we have seen at Trump rallies. Basically, the Clinton campaign and the DNC are paying for protesters to agitate Trump supporters in hopes that violence will erupt which will be captured on the MSM.
Democratic operatives call this tactic "bird-dogging." The idea is to create a sense of anarchy at Trump rallies with the intended goal of undermining support of his candidacy. The most disgusting aspect of "bird-dogging" is the admitted use of the union, the homeless, the mentally ill, the disabled, and the elderly to generate the maximum shock when it is reported by a friendly MSNBC reporter.
So far, one of the admitted operatives has been fired.
This operative, Scott Foval, National Field Director for Americans United for Change, tells the Project Veritas journalist the sad reality of why Republicans struggle to win in the current political sphere. Republicans play by the rules:And they just FIRED the DNC operative responsible for fomenting violence #veritas— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 18, 2016
“They have fewer guys willing to step out on the line for what they believe in. … There is a level of adherence to rules on the other side that only when you’re at the very highest level, do you get over.”If readers are feeling a bit vindicated by this video, it's understandable but doesn't change the fact that Progressive scum will do anything to win. It's for the greater good of spreading the wealth around and driving and twisting the knife into the American Dream.
The Edible Anus and Why Culture Sucks
by Kim D.
Happy National Chocolate Cupcake Day! It's time to take to social media and share a picture of your favorite dessert - the chocolate cupcake:
Happy National Chocolate Cupcake Day! It's time to take to social media and share a picture of your favorite dessert - the chocolate cupcake:
— Suzanne Pardue (@PardueSuzanne) October 18, 2016Mmmmm . . . they do look delicious but beware the other chocolate tasties which will try to hijack the day:
Proof, yet again, why we can't have nice things. 25 delicious anus-shaped chocolates cost only $38.95. Don't rush to order though - currently these chocolate delicacies are sold out.#NationalChocolateCupcakeDay Thats Nasty Cake To Eat 😛— Young leaf (@Youngleafy94) October 18, 2016
Can't we please just have one normal day? Or has our ability as a culture to take simple things and utterly destroy them the norm now?
Monday, October 17, 2016
The Walking Dead Season 7 Sneak Peak Analysis - Whom Will Negan Kill?
According to spoilers at DragonCon, this review gets it right. More than one of Rick's group will be Lucilled to death. Abraham and Glenn. Tune in to AMC next Sunday to see if predictions are true.
Some disturbing comments from Russia
You may have lost
interest in our petty and tiresome presidential campaign long ago, but in
Russia they seem to be paying attention. If statements from certain parties are
to be believed, we are living a replay of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, minus
the PSAs urging you to tune to 640 or 1240 on the AM radio dial should A-bombs
start falling.
Listen to
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a veteran Russian lawmaker: “Relations
between Russia and the United States can’t get any worse. The only way they can
get worse is if a war starts. Americans voting for president on Nov. 8 must
realize that they are voting for peace on Planet Earth if they vote for Trump.
But if they vote for Hillary, it’s war. It will be a short movie. There will be
Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere.”
The remarks
were made to a Reuters reporter, who threw in this caveat: “Many
Russians regard Zhirinovsky as a clownish figure who makes outspoken statements
to grab attention but he is also widely viewed as a faithful servant of Kremlin
policy, sometimes used to float radical opinions to test public reaction.”
Clown or not,
Zhirinovsky may be speaking for better-known Vladimir who is a major player on
the world stage. He’s worth a listen, even as the U.S. media yawn: “[Trump]
won’t care about Syria, Libya and Iraq and why on earth should America
interfere in these countries? And Ukraine. Who needs Ukraine? Trump will have a
brilliant chance to make relations more peaceful. … He’s the one who could do
Zhirinovsky is an
unabashed fan of Trump and claims to have once met him. He calls Clinton “an
evil mother-in-law” and says he doesn’t think a woman should be elected U.S.
president. “Most
Americans should choose Trump because men have been leading for millions of
years. You can’t take the risk of having one of the richest, most powerful
countries led by a woman president.”
Hey, what about
Germany’s Angela Merkel? (Oh, wait … bad example.)
liberal heads exploding, Reuters notes that Zhirinovsky “likes
to shock liberal public opinion and he has frequently heaped scorn on the West,
which he and other Russian nationalists regard as decadent, hypocritical and
corrupted by political correctness. His combative style, reminiscent of
Trump’s, ensures him plenty of television airtime and millions of votes in
Russian elections, often from the kind of blue-collar workers who are the
bedrock of the U.S. Republican candidate’s support.”
Is the point of
this story to influence the election? To support Trump? Or to discredit him and
tie him to the Russians? All that really makes no difference. Similarly,
stories about Putin ordering Russian students to return to the homeland from
abroad and involving 40 million citizens in defense drills have gotten no
traction on these shores.
This orange cat
doesn’t know much, but he knows this: If you told a hard-core Hillary fan that
their vote would bring the destruction of all humanity, they’d proudly vote for
her anyway.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Saturday, October 15, 2016
The story behind Kris Kristofferson’s ‘Me and Bobby McGee’
“Me and Bobby McGee” is one of Kris Kristofferson’s most famous and widely covered songs, with everyone from Janis Joplin to Pink putting their own spin on it since 1969.
It’s often misinterpreted as Kristofferson’s love song to Joplin, because her bluesy rendition has overshadowed all other versions. She recorded the song right before her death in 1970 and it topped the U.S. singles chart in 1971.
But the real inspiration for the song came from producer and co-writer Fred Foster, who will be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame on Sunday along with Charlie Daniels and Randy Travis, and a young secretary named Barbara McKee.
Foster helped launch the careers of artists like Kristofferson, Roy Orbison, Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton. In the 1960s, Foster moved his record label Monument Records from Washington, D.C., to Tennessee in a building owned by his friend and songwriter Boudleaux Bryant.
McKee, whose last name is now Eden, was a 29-year-old working as Bryant’s secretary and went by the nickname Bobbie.
“So I ran down about the fourth or fifth time this particular day and Boudleaux says, ‘I don’t think you’re coming to see me at all. I think you’re coming to see Bobbie,'” Foster said.
“It seemed like he liked to tease me a little bit and one day he said, ‘I am going to write a song about me and Bobbie McKee,” Eden said... READ MORE
“Me and Bobby McGee” is one of Kris Kristofferson’s most famous and widely covered songs, with everyone from Janis Joplin to Pink putting their own spin on it since 1969.
It’s often misinterpreted as Kristofferson’s love song to Joplin, because her bluesy rendition has overshadowed all other versions. She recorded the song right before her death in 1970 and it topped the U.S. singles chart in 1971.
But the real inspiration for the song came from producer and co-writer Fred Foster, who will be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame on Sunday along with Charlie Daniels and Randy Travis, and a young secretary named Barbara McKee.
Foster helped launch the careers of artists like Kristofferson, Roy Orbison, Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton. In the 1960s, Foster moved his record label Monument Records from Washington, D.C., to Tennessee in a building owned by his friend and songwriter Boudleaux Bryant.
McKee, whose last name is now Eden, was a 29-year-old working as Bryant’s secretary and went by the nickname Bobbie.
“So I ran down about the fourth or fifth time this particular day and Boudleaux says, ‘I don’t think you’re coming to see me at all. I think you’re coming to see Bobbie,'” Foster said.
“It seemed like he liked to tease me a little bit and one day he said, ‘I am going to write a song about me and Bobbie McKee,” Eden said... READ MORE
Trump Needs Your Final Debate Input
by Kim D.
The Trump/Pence campaign has emailed a Final Debate Survey. Click HERE to participate. You can simply select from prepared answers . . .
. . . but please consider selecting "Other, please specify" to all questions and detailing exactly what Trump must do if he wants your vote.
The Trump/Pence campaign has emailed a Final Debate Survey. Click HERE to participate. You can simply select from prepared answers . . .
. . . but please consider selecting "Other, please specify" to all questions and detailing exactly what Trump must do if he wants your vote.
Houston 911 Operator "Ain't Got Time for This"
by Kim D.
Imagine hearing a loud crash in the middle in the night and quickly realizing you are a victim of a home invasion. Even if equipped with firearm protection, chances are high that you would quickly dial 911 for police help. What if a loved one needs medical assistance? Even if you are a doctor, chances are pretty good that you would also call 911 knowing this is the quickest way to request EMT services.
As dire as those circumstances seem, imagine how worse they would be if the 911 operator hung up on you or dismissed your plea as non-help worthy. Unfortunately, that's exactly what a Houston 911 operator has allegedly done; she's been accused of hanging up on emergency calls. Houston Eyewitness News reports:
Imagine hearing a loud crash in the middle in the night and quickly realizing you are a victim of a home invasion. Even if equipped with firearm protection, chances are high that you would quickly dial 911 for police help. What if a loved one needs medical assistance? Even if you are a doctor, chances are pretty good that you would also call 911 knowing this is the quickest way to request EMT services.
As dire as those circumstances seem, imagine how worse they would be if the 911 operator hung up on you or dismissed your plea as non-help worthy. Unfortunately, that's exactly what a Houston 911 operator has allegedly done; she's been accused of hanging up on emergency calls. Houston Eyewitness News reports:
Back in March, Jim Moten said he called 911 after witnessing two vehicles speeding down Highway 45, and seconds into his call, it dropped, or so he thought." What I thought at the time I thought my phone had dropped the call," said Jim Moten. "Come to find out I was hung up on."
According to court documents, [Crenshanda] Williams was the 911 operator that took Moten's call. The documents show that before Moten could finish explaining, she hung up and said, "Ain't nobody got time for this. For real."Back in March, Williams allegedly hung up on a man who called 911 in what would turn out to be a fatal robbery. The store owner was, in fact, killed by the perpetrator. Tapes reveal that before hanging up on the man, the operator sighed:
Hua Li called 911 to report a robbery after seeing a gunman trying to force his way behind the counter at a convenience store. As he ran to his car, he heard gunshots."
They just said, 'This is 911. How can I help you?' " Li told KPRC. "I was trying to finish my sentence, and we got disconnected."
Li called again and got another operator, but by the time police arrived, the store's manager had been shot dead.
"Nobody, nobody is going to help you" if 911 isn't there for you, Li said. "You're on your own."Williams has been fired and will appear in court next week to answer for charges of interfering with an emergency called. She sighed and someone died.
Friday, October 14, 2016
The fix is in -- but, then again, we all knew that
Have you been following Wikileaks’ release of e-mails to and from
Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta? Interesting items come out in
dribs and drabs, mostly ignored by big media outlets. It could be argued there
isn’t much news in them.
If you didn’t realize the Democrats have chummy relationships with
the media, didn’t realize Hillary is as two-faced as a newspaper management
type, didn’t realize she treats ordinary Americans with contempt, didn’t
realize her people fret endlessly about her husband’s sex life and the sleazy
doings of the Clinton Foundation, you haven’t been paying attention. Maybe
you’ve been determined not to.
The Clinton camp has made ineffectual stabs at trying to discredit
this massive leak, insinuating that some of the e-mails are fake (they aren’t)
or that Russian hackers are behind them. Nothing sticks, mostly because
Wikileaks has won journalism awards in its 10-year history. Clinton flack Brian
Fallon even tweeted:
If you are going to write about materials issued by @wikileaks, you should at least state they are product of illegal hack by a foreign govt— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) October 11, 2016
Since their lies aren’t flying, Clinton defenders must count on
their operatives in the media playing defense. There are indications that no
dissent will be tolerated by the elites, with Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs the
outliers. (My post-election prediction: Sean makes good on his threat to move
to Texas, concentrating on radio, and Dobbs, in disgust, retires again.)
There are consequences to all this, as Glen Greenwald points out
at The Intercept:
“While Donald Trump’s candidacy poses grave dangers, so doesgroup-think righteousness, particularly when it engulfs those with the greatestinfluence. The problem is that none of this is going to vanish after theelection. This election-year machine that has been constructed based on eliteutility in support of Clinton – casually dismissing inconvenient facts asfraudulent to make them disappear, branding critics and adversaries as tools oragents of an enemy power bent on destroying America – is a powerful one. … Itis capable of implanting any narrative; no matter how false; demonizing anycritic, no matter how baseless; and riling up people to believe they’re underattack.”
Of course, it
remains to be seen whether “those with the greatest influence” actually have
it. It is interesting that of the top 100 newspapers, not a single one endorsed
Trump. Some sat out; many of the Hillary endorsements were lukewarm. Whether
newspapers’ editorial boards retain any influence is an open question. Since
they won’t consider any opinions not embraced by leftists, my take is that they
will change minds by the handful and lose readers by the boatload, exacerbating
prevailing trends in a business long bent on committing suicide.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Who Needs a Haunted Doll?
by Kim D.
If you have $9K burning a hole in your pocket, this might just be the Halloween decoration for you. The Haunted Doll.
Ebay seller sarcazmofunhouse claims the doll is a relic and possessed by demons. She (or he) calls the doll "Chucky's sister."

Ebay seller sarcazmofunhouse claims the doll is a relic and possessed by demons. She (or he) calls the doll "Chucky's sister."
"5 years from now, this doll will be an URBAN LEGEND and even more of an enigma."Originally appearing this past April on Oklahoma City's Craigslist, the seller claims:
So far no one has dared to bid on Chucky's Sister, so if you are interested, make an offer. You might get a deal but the seller warns:
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