Monday, October 17, 2016

Some disturbing comments from Russia

You may have lost interest in our petty and tiresome presidential campaign long ago, but in Russia they seem to be paying attention. If statements from certain parties are to be believed, we are living a replay of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, minus the PSAs urging you to tune to 640 or 1240 on the AM radio dial should A-bombs start falling.

Zhirinovsky is an unabashed fan of Trump and claims to have once met him. He calls Clinton “an evil mother-in-law” and says he doesn’t think a woman should be elected U.S. president. “Most Americans should choose Trump because men have been leading for millions of years. You can’t take the risk of having one of the richest, most powerful countries led by a woman president.”

Hey, what about Germany’s Angela Merkel? (Oh, wait … bad example.)

Is the point of this story to influence the election? To support Trump? Or to discredit him and tie him to the Russians? All that really makes no difference. Similarly, stories about Putin ordering Russian students to return to the homeland from abroad and involving 40 million citizens in defense drills have gotten no traction on these shores.

This orange cat doesn’t know much, but he knows this: If you told a hard-core Hillary fan that their vote would bring the destruction of all humanity, they’d proudly vote for her anyway.

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