Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Roy Moore Loses, but Trump makes the headlines

by Angela K. Durden
Technology inventor protecting creator's copyrights. Business writer, novelist, songwriter, and Citizen Journalist.

Bet you didn't know the Alabama race was all about Trump, did you? But see the headline from #CrunkNewsNetwork: Not a mention of the winner, Doug Jones. Why is that? Because they don't care who won. They only care that Trump is made to look bad, as if Trump is their problem, which he isn't, but more on that later in the article. See how it works? 

On #CrunkNewsNetwork's politics page, Stephen Collinson wrote:
"The stunning win by Democrat Doug Jones in one of the nation's most conservative states raised questions not just about Trump's political acumen but also over whether his remarkable run, in which he crushed convention and defied political gravity, is beginning, finally, to run out of steam."

However, long before allegations of indecent proposals against Moore, Trump had said Moore would not win. All Trump cared about was keeping a Democrat out of the seat and keeping a Republican in. As we see from this tweet:  
But as Donald "The Hammer" Trump put it gentlemanly and realistically after the race: "Congratulations...a win is a win."

But #CrunkNewsNetwork's spin machine got cranked to full rotation when Collinson made it sound like the Moore loss was the last nail in the coffin of the support for Trump from — oh, how did the writer put it? — the "coalition of rural, working-class voters attracted by the President's populist nationalism and evangelicals."

The above statement is a huge insult to citizens, especially when the map of county-by-county wins from the 2016 election are looked at in toto which showed mostly small pockets of voters for Hillary scattered here and there, and only three larger bastions of Liberal thought throwing support behind her.

The reason that statement is a huge insult is because you may actually infer the following if you understand the subtext: The "bonfire-circling masses of barbeque-eating, uneducated, and stupid rednecks gnawing on plugs of tobacco chaw and those others too busy praying to JuuhhEEEzus so that they are easily duped by promises from the snake oil salesman."

What the Pussy-Hat Wearing Politically Correct Democrat RINO Liberal Socialist Fascist Commies do not understand is that Trump was merely a catalyst, and catalysts are simply the spark that starts a larger action. Like a match to fuel. The match doesn't burn the forest, but it does start the fire. And this fire is burning the useless underbrush around the world.

What is that fire?

  • Smaller government, 
  • fairer tax codes, 
  • government playing a smaller role in the individual's life, 
  • more individual autonomy, 
  • support for small businesses (which carries the bulk of a nation's GDP, by the way), 
  • less force of law pushing Pussy-Hat Wearers agendas, 
  • and the right for individuals and families to choose how they live their lives and how they will raise and educate their children. 

Therefore, the larger action against Pussy-Hat Wearing Politically Correct Democrat RINO Liberal Socialist Fascist Commies is not Trump. It's the likes of you and me.

And, I shall say it here, the fire also includes many who publicly call themselves Liberal but who I know for a fact are quietly carrying concealed weapons, sending their children to private military, secular, and religious schools, and in other ways are closet Conservatives, Libertarians, and Constitution supporters.

But the Democratic win was not by much as this New York Times graphic shows. So all the crowing about the crushing and stunning defeat and blah, blah, blah, is just that — crowing. And what do crows do when fire comes? They fly away.

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