Friday, September 29, 2017

Creeping: When did reminiscing get such a bad name?

by Angela K. Durden
Technology inventor protecting creator's copyrights. Business writer, novelist, songwriter, and Citizen Journalist.

Peeping. Stalking. 

These three activities are delivered in person, in real-time; all motivated by high hopes. True, the high hope might involve killing somebody, but that's what made all these dangerous for real.  But how about trolling?

Trolling is clearly an online activity. Private citizens who have forgotten how to make their FB timeline posts privately shared only with themselves or very close friends, often complain about total strangers making comments. Then the meltdown drama starts.

"I'm being trolled! OH MY GOD, do I have a stalker?"

But see, in my world, advertising my books and shows and services and so forth (puhLEEEEZE click on any and all of the multiple links above under my name), hell, I'm working hard to attract so-called stalkers and trolls — I also call them shoppers — because I want them to buy something.

It's called marketing. Getting your name out there. So the more interaction I have, the better.

Think about it? What if every time somebody went into a store and stood in front of say...Coke products. Would Coca-Cola Company complain and say they were stalking or trolling? I think not.

Of course, if the "shopper" was flashing the Coke cans, then yeah, you got a reason to complain. I get a lot of flasher-wannabees and I have to shut them down pretty quick. When these men send me friend requests and shower me with lots of compliments about my awesome smile and pepper me with requests to chat, why I simply now respond back to them with the following version of something all store owners understand: Buy something or get out. Here's how it works:

ME: So, you want to impress me?

MAN: Why, yes, baby.

ME: Click this link, buy a book. Read it or not. I don't care. Just buy it. From that I'll gauge the sincerity of your intent.


See? Eezee-peezee. Troll gone. Potential stalker threat nullified.

Now there's a new term: Creeping

My totally online, never-before-met-in-person friend, James R. Pinkstone, introduced me to this new term. Creeping is the new "Hey, let's look at old photos, have fond memories, and share those with the person in the picture", also known as reminiscing. 

Normally when I provide a screen snip I will blur out the name and face of anyone that isn't me, but I am not blurring out James' info because the man is a marketing tornado. While he and I have differing opinions about many things, one thing we do agree on is the axiom from way-back-yonder that Hollywood stars used to quote all the time: 

Hey, it doesn't matter what they print as long as they spell my name correctly.

It's called free advertising. Column inches I don't have to pay for.

But how did all these rules about online communications get to be so prevalent? I will tell you. You can blame code monkeys pretending to be experts.

It started with the rule about not typing in all caps. Why, it means YOU'RE YELLING!

Every rule they came up with was negative and based on their own view of the world. In other words, code monkeys do not get along well with anybody even if they are in a room by themselves and the door is locked.

Well, I for one refuse to live like that. Remember those men who think I'm just lovely and have such a beautiful smile and want to impress me? They are always going through my photos and liking stuff from years ago.

Hell, if it helps them want to buy a book, then like and share to your heart's content, boys, because there ain't nothing on there that I would be ashamed of or care about others knowing. And you know why that is, dear readers?

It's because I know how to keep my private life private.

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