Friday, December 11, 2020

A Grubby Grab

At it again...all for you.

A Magnificently Methodical Southern Woman
and The Most Brilliant Woman in the World 

Communism (and its offspring Socialism, Fascism, and Pussy-Hat Wearing Politically Correct Liberal Democrat RINO Social Justice Warriors #CrunkNewsNetwork, et al) always has at its core a disdain for human rights, a hatred of God, and a grubby grab to satisfy selfish longing.

Interesting that they deny God's existence while fighting so hard against Him; which means, of course, that they acknowledge His existence because anybody who fights an enemy only they can see is usually called paranoid schizophrenic.

Communists are not paranoid schizophrenic, nor are they stupid. But they are selfish, greedy, venal, and worse, and that stops them from thinking clearly or well for the long-run. They have no conscience. They are not loyal and do not understand the concept of loyalty. Ethical behavior is a fast-moving target roaming in a misty forest, rarely seen and, when briefly glimpsed, has no hard edges.

Commies have nothing good to reach for. Nothing lofty to aspire to. Everything they want must be had by destroying what others have built. Even what they build is ugly. Their art is ugly. Their literature is boring. Their infrastructure, machinery, engineering, etc., doesn't work correctly most of the time.

Commies only know force. Their biggest enemies are themselves and their fellow "believers". They hate themselves and each other and everyone else. Once their objective is reached, and they are now faced with actually ruling, they are clueless. And like certain children will do when they don't like what is before them, they pitch tantrums...only Communists get everyone else in the sandbox to obey them at the point of a gun and the threats of missile, bomb, sanctions, imprisonment, torture, bribes...and promises they will never keep.

(Those threats and false promises often we are seeing now, here, in the US Election process.)

To survive, their citizens become Underground Capitalists, which is just another title for Criminals under Communist rule. After producing distasteful and boring State-sponsored art, Artists and Musicians take their lives in their hand to let out that which lifts to a higher plain.

Communist thought and methodology do not support productive living conditions for anybody but the leaders who never suffer want, though they do have to worry about summary judgment in the form of a bullet through the brain when someone wants their job badly enough.

And just like the bully in the sandbox must be stopped, adults must intervene. Adults who understand the bigger picture, and who love freedom and seek justice. 



  1. It's criminal that we don't teach history in our schools. It's evident that the virtues of Socialism are extolled (everyone's equal sounds PC) but college grads have no clue how that works and that it is only the first step to Communism. A professor back in the ancient days of the 1960's described socialism as dressed up feudalism.
    Today, I despair for our country and our freedoms enjoyed as if they were a given! Are they valued as much as a latte?

    1. It is very easy to be a voluntary victim. It takes great courage to stand up for that which is right on the daily battlefield of our own communities.
