A Magnificently Methodical Southern Woman
and The Most Brilliant Woman in the World
"Hunker down" is used even by Gen[Whatevahs] and P-HWPCLDRSFCs* — and is no longer only a Georgia Dawgs rallying game cry.
"Shelter in place" and "novel coronavirus" are now in our lexicon — and a punchline to those who work from home and will be featured in future stand-up comedy shows and movie/TV scripts.
But what do people really think about this current state of affairs, how is it affecting them, and how are they handling it? Your Citizen Journalist has come to your rescue.
That's right, she sent out a survey to over 500 LinkedIn contacts. Five responded, that is, one percent of those invited to respond. You may be thinking "Wow! That's not a lot." Normally I would agree with you but, according to many pollsters out there, it does not matter how many responded. The only thing that truly matters are the percentiles of those that did respond.
That's right, she sent out a survey to over 500 LinkedIn contacts. Five responded, that is, one percent of those invited to respond. You may be thinking "Wow! That's not a lot." Normally I would agree with you but, according to many pollsters out there, it does not matter how many responded. The only thing that truly matters are the percentiles of those that did respond.
I am not lying. Haven't you ever heard a reporter say, "Of those that responded, __% agreed with...", to be followed by a sweeping conclusion that therefore __% of everyone that lives in the US agrees with a Commie-inspired permutation of the survey question and then ends with "should be made into law"?
Think about it.
I'll give you a minute.
I'll give you a minute.
Exactly, you have heard that; you just didn't understand what it meant, did you? So, using that methodology, I too will opine using responses by three males (I happen to know them, and one is my cousin therefore I am positive they are males even if I haven't laid eyes on their junk) and two unknown genders (they did not list a name, so I couldn't even take a guess, but you can assign any gender that pleases you). Here are the breakdowns to questions I asked:
Employment status:
- Small business owner: 0%
- Self-employed: 20%
- Employee: 40%
- Retired: 20%
- Employed as musician for gig work: 20%
How your job has been affected:
- No change: 40%
- Laid off: 20%
- Business is better: 0%
- Pay reductions: 20%
- Working from home: 20%
- Blank response: 20%
(Yes, this adds up to 120%, but we are in the "gig economy", sooo...)
Types of business you are in:
- Manufacturing: 0%
- Service business: 20%
- Restaurant: 0%
- Writer/writing: 40%
- Performance/Consulting/Retail: 20%
- Blank response: 20%
What can we deduce from all of this if we were P-HWPCLDRSFCs* or worked for any #CrunkNewsNetwork that spews FLOTSAM**? Let's write some headlines in their style, shall we?
Small business destroyed by economic slowdown from novel coronavirus response.
Manufacturing destroyed by pandemic response.
Novel coronavirus response lays off 100% of all American workers, but that's okay because they are happy with leadership of Nancy Pelosi and also wish AOC was president so she could save the world.
You know what? That isn't fun. So, I went to this site here where one can see, by month and year, historical employment rates.
Now, according to this, there are 22,000 fewer people employed in March 2020 than were employed in March 2019 when things were starting to blow and go.
However, there were 1,229,000 more employed in March 2020 than employed in March 2018. So, we are still better off than we were in 2018, just two short years ago.
But let's get back to my thoroughly sweeping and comprehensively scientific survey.
Take a look at what was said here in free-form response, that is, no leading questions:
Couple of things I learned from this response? I did not know financial institutions ordered hardware. I always assumed they had a vendor who did that sort of thing. However, one respondent had been too busy and is now benefiting from the downtime.
Upside: Eating together and cooking at home. Grocery stores should be seeing uptick in sales. Downside: Restaurant owners/managers could name a few.
I like this last quote. The respondent said "...I for one REFUSE to live in fear." In fact, I liked the whole quote. But who said that? Well, surprise, surprise. It was my cousin Wayne Kell. If we weren't hunkering down, why I'd go over and elbow-bump him.
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* P-HWPCDLRSFC: Pussy-Hat Wearing Politically Correct Democrat Liberal RINO Socialist Fascist Commies
** FLOTSAM: For Liberal Opinion That is Serious and Actually Matters
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