Friday, April 12, 2019

Dear NRA: Compromise does not look good on you.

by Angela K. Durden
The Most Brilliant Woman in the World
Business writer.  Songwriter.  Protecting creator's copyrights. 


Dear NRA,

Received today in my mailbox was your envelope marked “Time Sensitive — For Addressee Only, REGISTERED DOCUMENTS.” I was intrigued as I’d never before received such from you. The letter opened with a bang, if you’ll pardon the pun:

And right now, hundreds of gun-hating politicians, judges, and media elites are doing everything in their power to destroy your freedoms.

I read further and found the 2019 National Gun Owner’s Action Survey which moved me along nicely to send money to join your association. However, I’ve never been one to simply be led without thinking things through and investigating. Those natural tendencies have come in handy in my self-appointed profession as Citizen Journalist.

Therefore, let me take a few moments to cover a few points that may be beneficial to the NRA, an organization, by the way, that I had a good opinion of until I got this packet. The points are here, order not to determine importance.

The survey. Whoever wrote it really screwed over your intent with the very first question. Let’s review: Do you agree that the Second Amendment guarantees your individual right to own a firearm? I quickly marked Yes on the survey, but then took a closer look at the language, namely, “a firearm”. “A” implies one firearm. So, naturally, I would have to mark No because I do not want my quantity to be limited by government.

The survey. The sixth question. To wit: Do you support legislation that would compel law-abiding gun owners to undergo a federal background check every single time they purchase a box of ammunition? On its face the question seems logical and supportive of freedom, when in actual fact it invites more government control. Let’s think it through, shall we? Who determines who is a law-abiding gun owner? What database will be built, kept, and accessed by whom and when in order to say “You, sir, are law abiding and may now purchase ammo”? My answer had to change from Yes to No. So, because of unclear language, the NRA has screwed over citizens.

The Survey. The tenth question. Thusly: Will you authorize NRA to use your survey answers to fight for your fundamental right to own a firearm for shooting, hunting and personal protection? Never mind that the question is missing a comma that made it read incomplete; don’t even think about that. The worst part of the question is you want responders to authorize NRA to use their survey answers, but you never say how the NRA will use them nor do you define the limits on how you will use those. For instance, if I had answered Yes, I could be signing away the right to use my name in settings or manners I may not agree with because, truly, what does “fight for your fundamental right” mean to the NRA?

The survey. Last question. Will you fight for your freedom by renewing your commitment to NRA today? This implies I am not fighting for freedom. It also implies the only way to fight for freedom is by letting the NRA fight the battle for me. And, since I am not a member of the NRA, how can I renew a commitment I don’t have?

The letter states NRA is the one organization dedicated to defending your Right to Keep and Bear Arms at the federal level and in your state’s legislature. Says you; but how do I know this?

The letter states Now is the time to DRAW A LINE IN THE SAND… Well, thank you, NRA, but I prefer to chip a hard line in cement instead of a soft line in a movable soft object. Honestly, whoever wrote this part should be fired. It made the NRA look weak.

The packet, letter, survey. Every one of them was trackable. So, my question is this: How do you know I am a gun owner? From whom did you get this information? The government?!? I want to know.

I’ve returned your survey along with this letter, but I’m not joining the NRA. Your efforts are not unappreciated, but your methods are a bit wonky for me. Let me be clearer. Compromise does not look good on you.


You’ve got my information already.

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