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At it again...all for you. |
by Angela K. Durden
The Most Brilliant Woman in the World
Business writer. Songwriter. Protecting creator's copyrights.
There's a war going on right under your nose. Most do not see it even as the winds of war take their lawn furniture and blow it into the next county.
This war is age-old and has rightly been said to be between Good and Evil.
But as all wars do, this one has an ebb and flow. A quieter time of backroom planning and a louder time of furious deployment of those plans.
Turn on your radios or televisions or login to online news portals or read headlines in newspapers, you'll see the same thing in almost all instances: The latest deployment of a war room plan.
Yes, I'm speaking of the scurrilous, defaming attack on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump's latest nominee for a seat on the Supreme Court of the United States. Lest you say, "All victims should be heard!", let me say to you, "You are right! But please don't let someone claim victimhood if it isn't true."
I'm a victim of long-term sexual assault by my stepfather with my mother's blessing. I know of the desire to speak up and say something yet the emotional or psychological need to hold it in. I know of the finally speaking up and not being believed. Called a liar.
I had proof but could not use it. Christine Blasey Ford offers at-best hazy memories, is being begged for more proof and can't provide it, and is willing to use those to destroy. I never made up my abuse and would never claim it if it hadn't happened. I always remembered and the patterns and times of it were clear. Yet I know women who have publicly claimed abuse at the hands of a man but privately told me they did it to get an advantage from an employer.
False allegations of rape are not new and everyone of them should be denounced when found out, not supported and celebrated on the off chance it might be true. False allegations of abuse do not help the cause of real victims. Those who offer them up are obvious haters.
The question then is this: Why did Christine Blasey Ford do this? I've got a simple answer: She just wanted to be a heroine for a cause she feels strongly about. After all, her reasoning goes, isn't all fair in love and war?
Poor thing, though, does not realize she was simply a false flag kicked over the traces by P-HWPCLDRSFC's* goal-meeting committee. The goal is to form a one-world government and have all those designated as politically incorrect cook and clean for them while they live in luxury behind secure walls.
Helping out in this is FLOTSAM.**
Funny thing, though. All of a sudden Ford is not feeling so confident in offering proof of claim and FLOTSAM and other operatives are back-peddling.
Kavanaugh will be confirmed. But just like Clarence Thomas, accused by Anita Hill in a "high-tech lynching", Ford's accusations will follow Kavanaugh, and when he dies, FLOTSAM will lead with this:
"Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh passed away today. He was accused of sexual assault by a heroine of the women's movement, Christine Blasey Ford. He tried to overcome the dark days of his youth by devoting himself to good works and we thank him for those things, but he was a bad, bad man and, frankly, we don't know how anybody ever liked him."
* P-HWPCDLRSFC is Pussy-Hat Wearing Politically Correct Democrat Liberal RINO Socialist Fascist Commies
** FLOTSAM means For Liberal Opinion That is Serious and Actually Matters
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