Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Thomas Sowell: Biggest mess ups brought to you by Experts

At it again...all for you. 
by Angela K. Durden
The Most Brilliant Woman in the World
Citizen Journalist.  Novelist. Author of other stuff. 
Business writer.  Songwriter.  Protecting creator's copyrights. 

I love Thomas Sowell. In 2001, Mr. Sowell wrote a book called "The Einstein Syndrome: Bright Children Who Talk Late," to which Your Citizen Journalist contributed a short bit.

How it came about was this: Sowell wrote an article in Forbes about the subject of teachers diagnosing late-talking children with various maladies in a rush to label and medicate them so they could be fixed.

I had had a similar experience with my son. Only with my intense persistence toward a well-meaning but wrong teacher was I able to keep my son from being labeled, tested, and medicated. As I said to the teacher at the time, "He's just like his daddy. Trust me. He'll talk when he's ready."

Mr. Thomas Sowell,
Hoover Institute.
One day I showed up at school and the teacher met me at the door. She said, "What did you do? He won't shut up now?" She also said, and this is important, "I won't be in such a rush from now on."

I wrote Mr. Sowell about that experience. He wrote back asking for permission to use it in his book. Of course I granted permission. Months later I got an autographed copy of the book in the mail with a nice thank you note.

However, this post is not about that book or my brilliant piece included in it that, I am positive, made it into the best seller that it became. (You see me winking, right?)

This post shares an interview of Mr. Sowell on the subject of The Arrogance of Intellectuals. Enjoy.

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