Sunday, January 7, 2018 was on the Internet.

by Angela K. Durden
Citizen JournalistBusiness writer, novelist, songwriter, and Technology inventor protecting creator's copyrights. 

I was on LinkedIn yesterday, scrolling through my feed, when I saw a post from a doctor who had been chatting me up, trying to make nice, see if I was available for something or another. I'm not sure what kind of a doctor he is, or even if he is one, but he has Dr. in front of his name. He is married. And he is Arab, though he does not say of which variety.

But because it was a name I recognized, I stopped scrolling to take a quick look. Dr. [Redacted] often likes things I would not normally see. This day, though, he liked a post from someone else that showed several pictures purporting to be Israeli soldiers abusing weak women and innocent children. 

I called BS on all the pictures because they looked fake. So, I clicked on each picture to make a closer inspection. Here are two pictures that are beyond obviously faked. I've made commentary and pointed out the digital manipulations. 

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