Technology inventor protecting creator's copyrights. Business writer, novelist, songwriter, and Citizen Journalist.
Bodyguards carrying guns — eek! — aren't just for leaders of countries who by default are targets of assassins whether they be wannabees or for real. Nobody blinks an eye about that. Obama had armed protection and you never heard him complain about it even as he was preaching for sanctions limiting the rights of the citizenry to protect themselves.
"Guns for me, none for thee."
To a person, Constitution-gutting Politically Correct Liberal Socialist Democratic RINO Commie Fascist leaders want you to be deprived of the very thing that was used to defend the freedoms they so rely upon. To make that happen, those leaders have employed thought control techniques on walking brain-dead dupes and knowing accomplices such as:
- hosts of late-night comedy shows,
- hosts of talk shows in every time slot,
- children of now-dead but famous singers/actors,
- listed Hollywood elites including those on lists A through Eff-U,
- #CrunkNewsNetwork and other no-longer-trusted mainstream media outlets,
- publishers, editors, and writers for newspapers and business and popular magazines,
- hired-gun talking heads,
- retirees from the above categories seeking free column inches,
- founders of social media companies,
- Tech Giants, The Majors, and The Bigs,
- the "If I had a son" last past president,
- university leadership teams,
- pussy-hat wearers,
- wuss male supporters of pussy-hat wearers,
- anyone who self-identifies as a marginalized person,
- among others.
Yes, boys and girls, they all believe the same thing —
Put power in the hands of The Enlightened, they preach.
Except the definition of who is one of The Enlightened is so broad the country is quickly harking back to the days of English kings and queens and all their power-grabber ancestral lines going backward and forward in time who saw opportunity in the vacuum to grab all the power for themselves.
Nature and people abhor a vacuum and the filling of it is never a pretty thing to start with. But how did these power grabbers grab power? They used force on a population that thought they were kings of their own castles and lords of their tiny plots of land and — this is important, so listen up — never thought to put defenses in place.
Eventually, some said enough is enough and came to a new land, founded a federal government they envisioned as having limited power, with states having much autonomy, and what power the Feds would have would be simply to have mutually beneficial services and defense from enemies.
Yes, we know the founding of the country was messy, bloody, full of drama, and never perfect. But...
But there came a time when the people who lived on this continent said, "You know. We're all having to share this space. Let us put rules down about that sharing."
The Declaration of Independence put the kings on notice in 1776. They hit back with attacks. Local folks defended themselves. The Constitution was ratified in 1789 putting everybody within the country's borders on notice that should the government get out of hand again, they had a right to defend themselves against it.
Thus the Second Amendment was written in this fashion:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The right of regular folks to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed even by a well-regulated government-sponsored force that is also necessary to defend the security of a free State.
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