Saturday, September 9, 2017

Wow. Who knew the Bible had advice on credit monitoring companies?

by Angela K. Durden
Technology inventor protecting creator's copyrights. Business writer, novelist, songwriter, and Citizen Journalist.

"Beware the man who comes
bearing gifts and invoking flattering words."
Proverbs 29:4-5

This applies to Equifax and their current data breach. Yes, indeed, boys and girls, Equifax set up a helpful site they say would let you check to see if you experienced negative effects from the hacking.

One little problem: If you check to see if you were affected, you no longer have recourse to engage in a class action lawsuit against them. Read more about that here.

Hey, get screwed, blued, and tattooed* right in the comfort of your own home.

*In the Pacific Fleet, screwed, blued, and tattooed means that you've hit a foreign port and have done everything of importance in there: You got laid, had a new set of dress blues hand made, and added to your already prodigious collection of tattoos; in each activity you could get ripped off. 

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