Thursday, September 14, 2017

Lack of Reason and Accountability #WhatHappened #Hillary

by Kim D.

The notion that women were imagined stereotypically by certain men as lacking reason and accountability was laughable in the the late 90's. No one expressed this ridiculous idea better than the fictional character Melvin Udall, a socially bigoted and perhaps mentally unstable New Yorker.

Unfortunately, failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is giving credence to that notion. And she needs to stop. How can a woman make the argument that she is strong enough to lead a nation, when the woman who supposedly cracked the proverbial glass ceiling keeps spouting illogical reasons as to why she failed to capture the support of everyday Americans and blaming a litany of forces for her demise.  She shows not one ounce of reason or accountability.

Fox News sums up the blame game nicely. My favorite boogeyman is the media. Although I do believe the media played a significant role in pushing Donald Trump to the top of the Republican ticket, the majority of journalists and pundits did their best to tear him down in the general election.

It was an obvious attempt to pave the way for a Clinton victory despite all the major scandals that haunted her candidacy: Benghazi, missing emails, and her suspected poor health. All in all, Clinton lost the election because she viewed it as her right to be president of the United States - not a privilege. This is how a progressive thinks and, thank goodness, the rest of the country is not there . . . yet.

The best thing for the right-minded folks is for Hillary to hang around which, as evidenced by her new book - What Happened - is exactly what she plans to do. It also, coincidentally, is the worst thing for left-minded Americans. While the leaders of the Democrat party are adopting and pushing Bernie Sanders' "democratic" socialist ideals, Hillary is still trying to sell crazy and blame everyone for her misfortune except for her own self. If the Democrats are smart, they would back away from Bernie and cling to Trump who will help them pass their agenda, give or take some commonsense policies which give semblance to making America great again. More importantly, they would reject the Clintons once and for all, following the attitude of Melvin Udall and loudly proclaiming to Hillary, "Sell crazy somewhere else - we're all stocked up here."

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