Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday Fun: Two Gentle Men and a Bunch of Typos

by Angela K. Durden
Technology inventor protecting creator's copyrights. Business writer, novelist, songwriter, and Citizen Journalist.

Dear Readers of ROTW,

Good morning. It is 5:57 AM Georgia time. I check my email when I see this most interesting subject line. It caught my eye because it is a question punctuated incorrectly in the form of a declarative exclamation. 

Of course I knew immediately the body of the email would be entertaining. I was not wrong. So for your Friday Fun, I have included the body of the email here with certain phrasings that made me chuck conveniently bolded by moi.



A power of attorney was forwarded to our office this morning by 
two gentle men, one of them is an American national and he is MR 
DAVID DEANE by name while the other person is MR... JACK MORGAN 
by name a CANADIAN national.

This gentlemen claimed to be your representative, and this power 
of attorney stated that you are dead, they brought an account to 
replace your information in other to claim your fund of $12.5 
Million Usd which is now lying DORMANT and UNCLAIMED, below is 
the new account they have submitted:

Vancouver, CANADA
ACCOUNT NO. 2984-0008-66

Be further informed that this power of attorney also stated that 
you suffered and died of throat cancer. You are therefore given 
24hrs to confirm the truth in this information, If you are still 
alive, You are to contact us back immediately, Because we work 24 
hrs just to ensure that we monitor all the activities going on in 
regards to the transfer of beneficiaries inheritance and contract 

You are to reply to this office immediately for clarifications on 
this matter as we shall be available 24 hrs to attend to you and 
give you the necessary guidelines on how to ensure that your 
payment is wired to you immediately.

Just also be informed that any further delay from your side could 
be dangerous, as we would not be held responsible of wrong 

Mr Hill Hataway
Finance Department Director
International Monetary Funds Agents

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