Monday, August 14, 2017

Title Obscura, or "Who'll pick my 'maters?"

by Angela K. Durden
Technology inventor protecting creator's copyrights. Business writer, novelist, songwriter, and Citizen Journalist.

I, your Citizen Journalist, have a confession to make. Yes, I too allowed the Language of the Caring Socialist to creep into my daily use of language. For this I apologize and ask forgiveness. I shall not do that ever again because to do so simply hides ugly truths.

In other words, an undocumented worker is still a slave by any other name. Of all people, I should know about Title Obscura and how it is used to support slavery and other ugly truths masquerading as care.

Case in point

I was out and about one night recently, feeling pretty good while listening to live music, when what to my wandering ears do I hear a but the plaintive wail of what I identified as a Caring Socialist. Yes, it was a wail and yes, it was plaintive. This is no exaggeration on the part of a comedian columnist who takes liberal license with facts to entertain.

Of course, why would there be such a sound in a place where Jazz is being played, right? Jazz is supposed to make you feel good about being blue. The only thing wailing should be the horn and the singer, right?

My head whipped around to find the source of this impassioned wail because it was out of tune and out of sync with the overall vibe when what did my wandering eyes confirm but that it was a Socialist complaining that the price of his tomatoes was getting higher because undocumented workers — his word, not mine — were being kept from the fields:

"Oh, all those tomatoes rotting because nobody else will pick them!"  

The impassioned wail of the 'mater lovers

Now, this guy I happen to know. He would be the first to march in the streets to show how much he cares for a meat-eating animal's right to be vegan, a woman's right to kill her baby before the child is born, and the paying of a non-living wage to slaves so Massah can keep 'maters on his table.

Did I know this is how this guy and other caring Socialists think? Yes, I did. But hearing it against the great sounds of live music simply brought home the absolute uncaring nature of that class called "The Caring" and how even I, your Citizen Journalist, fell into the use of the Title Obscura.

I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

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