Thursday, June 29, 2017

Liberals* are just no fun, or The Case of the Safely Aggressive Sniper

by Angela K. Durden 

I've often been asked, "Angela, how can you stand it when people write this stuff on your timeline?"

My reply is, "Where else could I get comments like that? I never think them. This is research into the mind of the Safely Aggressive Sniper."
Image result for liberal sniper
A meme from the Internets

What is a Safely Aggressive Sniper (SAS), you ask? Why, it's the person who drops hate-filled bombs on any comment you or your friends make on a topical thread on your personal timeline. These below are from one SAS who was so determined to be mean, evil (yes, I called it!), and hateful, he couldn't even take a compliment when I gave it to him.

You'll note his well-practiced rhetoric. The opportunity for being amused is simply exponential. 

  • Despite your obvious ignorance and blatant hypocrisy, I'm willing to bet that not one will challenge you.

  • I am far more offended by Donald Trump, himself, than any image that Kathy Griffin or anyone else could ever imagine. I also don't understand how his defenders can be offended by her humor, yet not be offended by the horrible behaviors that are constantly displayed by that man in the White House. It's hypocrisy on steroids!

  • And you're obviously a genius.

  • I said an intelligent answer! You've provided half ass excuses. I'd like to know why none of you who are offended by her actions are not offended by Trump's. Answer the question!
  • [Trump] physically threatened Obama. Yet, he remains a crowd favorite among those on the racist right. I'll bet you'll find no record of rebuke when that idiot, Nugent was invited to contaminate the White House.
  • I've assumed nothing except that those who support him now and voted for him then saw and see in him, not only political expediency, but a sense of shared values and a sense of morality that reflected their own.

  • Were you paying attention at all during his campaign? 

  • Have you any knowledge of the policies he and his equally racist administration have promulgated? He's given you enough evidence of every accusation I've hurled. Evidence is not what's missing here. It's your inability to accept the readily available evidence because it would force you to question your own heart. 
  • How can anyone support Trump without knowing the implications of that support and what it says about that person? The only other option is to totally ignore reality. And that is exactly what those who support Trump but at the same time want to claim that they are good people have chosen to do, ignore reality. They are no more realistic about the man than Sean Spicer, who is forced to lie about him on a daily basis. 

  • You don't want evidence. If you did, you'd stop ignoring reality. 

  • I appreciate your perspective, but as a 59 year old black male, I think, by now, I know racism when I hear it, see it and smell it. It's not a matter of interpretation. It's a matter of fact! 
  • Trump is the puppet master here. And he has managed to create a new reality based on some nebulous notion of "alternative facts." And those who refuse to admit their true motives have voluntarily moved into his alternative universe. 
  • And I am not making veiled accusations here. If you support Donald Trump then you are a racist! Or at the very least, you are a racist sympathizer. On application, they are one in the same.
  • You have no idea what racism is. And you rely on pedestrian definitions to help puff out your chest as if you've nailed it. Do your homework before you attempt to address the subject. The silly explanation you posted... 
  • I'll just assume you all want to be right. Have at it!

  • Clearly you are not comfortable being called a racist. So ask the people who raised you, what's a better name for it?

  • Would someone please give me an intelligent answer to the following question...How is it you can be so incredulous over a comedian's obviously failed attempt at humor, but totally ignore the president's established pattern of reprehensible racist, sexist and xenophobic behaviors? How, please tell me how?
  • Angela Durden, I am shocked by your silence on the apparent hypocrisy displayed throughout this thread. It's stunning!

  • My reply to the above statement: I've been in rehearsals all day and am just now seeing this. But here's the thing: This is my timeline, my salon if you will, and I can or not comment as I please. I can also remove others I please... or allow them to I please.

  • His magnanimous reply to my reply: Not the reply I was expecting, but okay. 

If you managed to slog through all this, then it is a safe bet you are doing the poo-removal dance and getting all this crap off your shoe. You are the man! Unless you're a woman so, You are the woman!

*Liberals are: Those with "unearned moral superiority"**, Wussy RINOs, Power-hungry Socialists, RadFems and Pussy-hat wearing celebrities and their blind-to-reality acolytes.

**Attribution: Phrase stolen from a friend. 

To read more from Angela Durden, visit her site here.

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