Monday, May 22, 2017

Dog Versus Deer - Who Would Win?

by Kim D.

Imagine it's just before 6 am on a Sunday morning. After letting the Boykin out of his crate, you grab the leash as the two of you head out through the garage in anticipation of a quiet, early morning walk. However, soon after opening the garage door, the dog senses more than the two of you are roaming the neighborhood. 

He darts across the street to check out a doe nibbling the neighbors' flowers. Protective of her breakfast, she acknowledges this intrusion with a low grunt which is curious to the dog and a little intimidating. He backs off and heads across the street, content with watching the doe as she eats.

This obviously doesn't sit well with her and she leaves the forage and casually strolls across the street to the dog. For what seems like eternity but is actually a matter of seconds, dog and deer lock in a stare. Then, as quick as a wink, she lifts her front legs and batters the dog's head and back with her hooves in and audible "bam, bam, bam."

After some pathetic doggie cries, he scrambles back up the driveway and into the garage. Then the deer locks eyes with you and reality sets in as the garage door closes.  No early walk this morning.

The deer wins.  Skip past the first minute of this video which is kind of what it was like without the voice over.

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