Monday, November 7, 2016

Goodbye, You Fat Bastard

by Kim D.

I know, I don't use that kind of language often. But "fat bastard" is the best I can come up with for Governor Chris Christie. I'll blame it on this election cycle which has worn on my psyche for the worse. 

I remember Ann Coulter gushing over Chris Christie and praying he would get into the 2012 presidential race. I remember that speech he gave at the Republican convention which did nothing to promote the actual nominee, Mitt Romney. It was a whole bunch of me, me, and about me, for which Ms. Coulter was quick to denounce.

I remember the October surprise and devastation of Hurricane Sandy. I remember that fat bastard and his enthusiastic embrace of Barack Obama that certainly didn't hurt the President's reelection chances. In fact, some believe this perfect storm and the way it was handled by Christie and Obama helped seal the deal on election day.

Then there was Bridgegate. We all remember how Christie emphatically claimed he had no knowledge of the bridge closure orchestrated to punish a town's mayor who refused to endorse the Governor for reelection. The aids who were behind Bridgegate received some bad news on Friday - they were found guilty:
In a seven-week trial that saw their own words used against them, Bill Baroni and Bridget Anne Kelly were convicted of helping orchestrate massive traffic tie-ups at the George Washington Bridge in September 2013. The plot was hatched to send a pointed message to Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich, after he stepped back from his earlier public support of Gov. Chris Christie.
Depending on how the trial facts are spun, Baroni and Kelly appear to be the scapegoats who were fingered to take the fall for an act meant to bolster Christie's reelection chances. Kelly testified that Governor Christie signed off on the lane closures. But, I guess the fat bastard, along with others in the Establishment elite, is too big to jail. Perhaps so, but his political career appears to be shrinking. 

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