Wednesday, September 28, 2016

NAACP Says Black Cops Are Not Real Black People

hat tip G

One of the craziest things to come out of the Keith Scott shooting in Charleston, NC is the idea that it is racist for a black police officer to use deadly force on an armed black man. The NAACP, in its infinite wisdom, has come up with a foolproof way around this little problem. According to the organization, black cops are not real black people so therefore it is racist when they shoot actual black people.

The NAACP is not convinced the Scott shooting was justified, despite multiple videos showing that he was armed. Even the facts that a gun was recovered from the scene and that Scott was illegally carrying a weapon when police shot him has done nothing to persuade them.

On Tuesday the NAACP made a list of demands to the Charlotte police department to ensure black police officers never again shoot and kill threatening armed black men. As reported by WCNC, the organization that supposedly represents black people dropped this bomb:

“Many black people who become police officers become blue, not black. In order for you to survive in a police department, you take on the police department’s ideology, ways of life, and culture,” said an NAACP representative...  READ MORE

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