Monday, November 11, 2019

Wing nuts? Why, thank you Mizz O.

At it again...all for you.

by Angela K. Durden
The Most Brilliant Woman in the World
Business writer.  Songwriter.  Protecting creator's copyrights. 

A report recently showed that Mizz O called Trump supporters wing nuts. Here is my reply:

Dear Michelle Obama, 

I bet many are thanking you for the compliment. However, I don't think you meant it as that. Do you even know what a wing nut is? Do you know the job it does? How it works? Why it is a valuable thing to use?

Wing Nuts (or wingnuts) are fasteners that come in many sizes from both measuring system types: U.S. and Metric. They have a wing on two sides that allows for easy tightening with fingers and thumb. Conversely, these can just as easily be loosened to allow something to be taken apart.

So, at this time these wing nuts are tightening down on defending the Constitution and the Bill of Rights thereby loosing the Commie hold over the best bastion of freedom and balance in the world, the U.S, and that, dear girl, is why you did not insult us "wing nuts".

P-HWPCDLRSFC is Pussy-Hat Wearing Politically Correct Democrat Liberal RINO Socialist Fascist Commies
** FLOTSAM means For Liberal Opinion That is Serious and Actually Matters


Friday, November 1, 2019

Can I stop abortions from happening?

The Most Brilliant Woman in the World
Business writer.  Songwriter.  Protecting creator's copyrights. 

The child is a victim of a crime. I cannot stop abortion. Abortions will continue to happen. In this I am without power and I accept my limitations there.

So where do I have power in this issue?

I can speak up to those who want to abort and help them to value life.

I can speak up to Governments that want me to pay for it and in so doing help them not be godless.

I can speak up to the Pussy-Hat Wearing Politically Correct crowd when they self-righteously — and falsely, might I add — claim they care about the woman when it is patently obvious they care about a destructive ideal above the sanctity of innocent life, and in so speaking deprive them of their evil social justice power wielded from the pulpits of their unholy places.

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